Recent content by Smushie

  1. Smushie

    Favourite games?

    Baldur's gate series, top favorite. Elder scrolls Oblivion Prince of Persia Warrior Within
  2. Smushie

    Share your shitty/good drawings/photoshops/photos

    LOOK AT IT ISN'T IT CUTE? ♥w♥ Also, out of popular requests and Stephen reminding me. Made from scratch, woo~
  3. Smushie

    Hello drunkies

    Welcome :3 Have a cheesy burger.
  4. Smushie


    slow poke but why the hell nawt. kthnxbai
  5. Smushie

    Ban request

    Saw it :3 T'was accidental since I play on lappie and touchpad went off, and I get lag spikes from my internet I can't hear half of the in-game voice chat but I'm alright with the ban request, you gotta do what you gotta do :3
  6. Smushie

    Wat r steam? O-O

    Wat r steam? O-O
  7. Smushie


    63 years old. I'm very old and expired. C: Don't worry, it won't hurt. much
  8. Smushie


    >grabs chainsaw Do I scare you? <: I assure you, I'm very harmless. :3
  9. Smushie


    Herro horsey. :3
  10. Smushie


    Hello Smush is what I am I'm a cookie. I like burgers, zombies, ice-cream, and horror movies. That is all <: One moar thing, sane people are no fun. Sanity is for the weak. u-u BUTTS :asshat: