Recent content by Sorle

  1. Sorle

    Refund Request (shokron)

    Your Steam Name: shokron Your Roleplay Name: Zuhra Malika-Rasulova Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:96586872 Reason for Request: items lost due to rulebreaks - posted on behalf of shokron Requested Items: HK MP5K w stock, 9x19mm suppressor, and full magazine Beretta M9 w full magazine Evidence...
  2. Sorle

    Refund Request (Sorle)

    Your Steam Name: Sorle Your Roleplay Name: Abdul-Rakhman Ross-Khaybulaev Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51990442 Reason for Request: I was given a total of $5000 in tickets and had 1x deagle confiscated due to rulebreaks Requested Items: $5000 1x IMI Desert Eagle Mark XIX w/ full magazine...
  3. Sorle

    Regarding refund request

    I have no friends sir
  4. Sorle

    Regarding refund request I am unable to make a bug report as I am communication banned so what do I do my friends
  5. Sorle

    Ban Dispute (N/A)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Communication Ban Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence] Which staff member issued the punishment?: @N/A How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent Your Steam Name: Sorle Your Roleplay Name: Blippy Kosherberg Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51990442 Why were...
  6. Sorle

    A Nice Day Out - A Brief Montage

    my goat
  7. Sorle

    im nooticing trends here

    im nooticing trends here
  8. Sorle

    the essay was locked and loaded 1 minute after the ar was posted

    the essay was locked and loaded 1 minute after the ar was posted
  9. Sorle

    Action Request (Sorle)

    I'd like to say nothing I am about to reply with is in any way an attempt to undermine my actions; they were reckless, inexplicable, and outright stupid. I take full accountability for this and I deeply apologise. However: - My "plan" going in was that the word "punch" was shouted to me - with...
  10. Sorle

    Community Suggestion Give the option to make applications public

    Suggestion Title: Give the option to make applications public Suggestion Description: As opposed to making all enforcer/helper applications private, give people the choice of making them private or public. Why should this be added?: - Allows people who would like it to get feedback from the...
  11. Sorle

    Server Suggestion Medic Wound Check Fix

    DNA is necessary for RP to function its a non-comparison, police investigation comes to a complete standstill without it This simply detracts from creative criminal avenues to profit simply for the sake of adding new features, it's not exactly a game-breaking discrepancy to be able to sacrifice...
  12. Sorle

    happy birthday goat

    happy birthday goat
  13. Sorle

    Refund Request (Sorle)

    Your Steam Name: Sorle Your Roleplay Name: Blippy Kosherberg Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51990442 Reason for Request: Lost due to breach of 3.4 Requested Items: 1x MP9 w/ 30x magazine, suppressor, stock, and reflex sight Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @Moonyx
  14. Sorle

    Action Request (Jay)

    there's a delay on speech, you came down with a gun pointed towards me and said "hands up" judging on the timeframe you said this before i pulled my weapon up then i shot after i heard you say "hands up" how do you not demonstrate intentions of mugging somebody when you come towards them with a...
  15. Sorle

    Action Request (Jay)

    i opened fire because if i just walk past disregarding their gunpoint i am putting my life extensively at risk with no real chance of escape, not in accordance with 2.6 - i have to play the situation out normally without using the rulebreaks as a crutch to break rules myself