Recent content by The Royal Lawngnome.

  1. The Royal Lawngnome.


  2. The Royal Lawngnome.

    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Tournament

    Gold nova 2 looking for a team, and no. I hack in games, but not CSGO
  3. The Royal Lawngnome.

    Ban request on Cole.

    Your Steam/In-game Name: The Royal Lawngnome, Fernando Flores His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Steamname: Cole, I cannot remember his IGN His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:61104773 Why Should This Player Be Punished: He failRP'ed when being held hostage with a machete. In the time betwin him pulling a...
  4. The Royal Lawngnome.

    My PC keeps freezing

    Try this. In the right conor of the task bar. Open the hidden application and open Nvidia control panal. Find CUDA under "Administrate 3D settings" (Or something like that) and disable CUDA in Global settings, then go to the second tab in administrate 3D settings called Program settings (Or...
  5. The Royal Lawngnome.

    Armenian Mafia applications

    OOC Information Steam name: The Royal Lawngnome Age: 28 Country: Denmark Are you active enough?: I just started playing again, but last time I played I was very active so I'm counting on it. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:19982911 IC Information In-Game name: Max Dunwall Age: 28 Any cars you have: Yes, I...
  6. The Royal Lawngnome.

    Ban Request on Max Dunwall

    And I had to visit the toilet so I went afk, but I came back and dropped all my illigal items for you
  7. The Royal Lawngnome.

    Ban Request on Max Dunwall

    I actually didnt lie in the admin sit. I told him I though you where Meta gaming beacouse I belived you didnt see my face. And I asked you to upload a demo to prove to me that you in fact did see me. Its not lying if I belive that you did meta game, and called you out on that. I didnt watch your...
  8. The Royal Lawngnome.

    Ban Request

    This is totaly bullshit, I saw the gun in his hand( Not raised). And I raised my gun faster than him and shot him due to the fact that he tried to mug me before. So please, dont be butthurt that I was faster than you. Also, you failed to accept the fact that you got owned hard and cried cuzz...
  9. The Royal Lawngnome.

    Paralake Partnership

    In-Game Name: Max Dunwall Character's backstory: Max came from a poor familie, he was a quiet man. Trying to provide for his familie, and he did that by running arrents for everyone in the town who would pay him. For Max Familie came first. Character's age: 38 Age (15+, or until I know you...