I used to patrol with @HuskyD0G but now all he does is talk about being a big shot in IA and threatens to write me up for speeding if I go even a mile over the limit. I have known this guy for 5 years and he is the world's biggest narc.
You made some good points about the 3.4 rule. Although I believe it is essential for RP I completely agree that it isn't explained at all in the rules and therefore can be interpreted in basically an unlimited number of ways by an admin.
Boss I am off to bed shortly but ill end on this. As far as I am aware the usage of lethal force is on a per-person basis. You cannot just gun someone down because they are associated with a murderer. Even if he successfully broke him out of cuffs you could have tazered or nightsticked them both...
Listen chief, I ain't ex-staff my record is irrelevant you are clutching at straws and hyperventilating at 1am because you got reported for gunning down an unarmed guy. Go to bed, get some sleep it'll be fine in the morning.
Hi Officer Borris here. The cop did use blatant excessive force as he gunned down a guy who only had a crowbar. Also, I don't believe he broke 3.4 as he shouldn't have been killed as there was no valid reason for him to have been gunned down. You could argue that he was putting his freedom at...