Recent content by torbizzle

  1. torbizzle

    Ban Dispute (Console)

    Just changing your location to NM, USA on your other steam account is unfortunately not going to cut it. Reviewed with @Collier
  2. torbizzle

    Raiding For Beginners, The Unofficial 2025 guide.

    me personally I prefer to just double tap a certain keybind making me invisible to others & giving me the ability to phase through walls & doors like it's nothing then kill defenders and say I lockpicked the door
  3. torbizzle

    whys blud watching bigpacket videos

    whys blud watching bigpacket videos
  4. torbizzle

    Vault Corporation: The Next Chapter | A Tyla Jai Documentary

    those greedy monkey's in paradise fuckers
  5. torbizzle

    Ban Apology (torbizzle)

    In ban apologies you typically apologise for your wrongdoings rather than just acknowledging them. Wait this one out, you have a bad record & both your last two bans have had accepted appeals.
  6. torbizzle

    My return

    I heard Sigmas In Paralake were recruiting @Dave
  7. torbizzle

    good thing i have nothing to hide

    good thing i have nothing to hide
  8. torbizzle

    round 2 when

    round 2 when
  9. torbizzle

    shooters shoot

    shooters shoot
  10. torbizzle

    in the interests of preserving my life and rank on an awesome garry's mod...

    in the interests of preserving my life and rank on an awesome garry's mod community, my lawyer has advised me to invoke the fifth and NOT send the full picture
  11. torbizzle

    let me know if I need to upload the full picture here gang [IMG]

    let me know if I need to upload the full picture here gang
  12. torbizzle

    Ban Apology (nazeer)

    Reviewed with @Nazeer
  13. torbizzle

    The most hated thing on perp

    @Collier back down to t I go