Recent content by trickblaze

  1. Enforcer Application - PickleTennisBurrito

    +support. knows the rules,great rper and friendly
  2. Weapon prices.

    nice if you want to own a shop:)
  3. More options for managing your organization

    +support from me too
  4. Chickens helper app

    +support. active and a great rper
  5. [Enforcer] Killing Floor Death.

    +support from me if you are active
  6. [ENFORCER] Sophia William (rp name)/ M0R3TANK1NG

    neutral. Have seen you a lot on the server but i havent seen you roleplay
  7. [Helper] Thealex3991 - Alex Rolley

    -support. you are eager to get someone to give you a +support on the application and not active on the forums
  8. Helper Application - PickleTennisBurrito

    +support. Great rper and are active in the helper chat.
  9. [Helper] [PH] Rockstar Gritys - Jhon Kingston

    if you have copied then its a -support from me
  10. [Helper] Nuka

    i dont know your rp so a neutal from me currently
  11. Computer I plan to get...

    Good computer :)