Recent content by Tyson Runswell

  1. Tyson Runswell

    sooo is asda full of cheaters? ore u all running "external software" ?

    sooo is asda full of cheaters? ore u all running "external software" ?
  2. Tyson Runswell

    thx man :)

    thx man :)
  3. Tyson Runswell

    Hee thx Chris :)

    Hee thx Chris :)
  4. Tyson Runswell

    heeee thx bro :)

    heeee thx bro :)
  5. Tyson Runswell

    thx man :)

    thx man :)
  6. Tyson Runswell

    Cookies or Brownies?

  7. Tyson Runswell

    Refund Request (Tyson Runswell)

    Your Steam Name: Tyson Runswell Your Roleplay Name: Tyson Rounsvell Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47355597 Reason for Request: lost 10k du to name chance. Requested Items: $10000 Evidence Type: Bug Report Evidence Link: The bug is the rule
  8. Tyson Runswell

    Refund Request (Tyson Runswell)

    uhmm ? me not know how dis working
  9. Tyson Runswell

    Refund Request (Tyson Runswell)

    Your Steam Name: Tyson Runswell Your Roleplay Name: Tyson Rounsvell Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47355597 Reason for Request: I lost my gun BQ they were cheating, they got banned by Freddy Requested Items: I lost my M16A4 + mag + acog sight + suppressor5.56x45mm Evidence Type: Action Request...
  10. Tyson Runswell

    yeah i dont like donald trump i love him

    yeah i dont like donald trump i love him
  11. Tyson Runswell

    Refund Request (anonymous 2)

    Your Steam Name: anonymous 2 Your Roleplay Name: Tyson Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47355597 Reason for Request: i lost my gun bq of a fail base Requested Items: 1x HK MP5K 1x 9x19mm Magazine (MP5K) [loaded] Proof : Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: Ezza