Recent content by Venomine

  1. Venomine

    Very long story. Read it.

    gay ass story
  2. Venomine

    leave my profile arron creep

    leave my profile arron creep
  3. Venomine

    guess whos back rocks

    guess whos back rocks
  4. Venomine

    well guess what daymon the king is back

    well guess what daymon the king is back
  5. Venomine

    he gets life support in germany so he pretty much needs the server

    he gets life support in germany so he pretty much needs the server
  6. Venomine

    Do people like zing?

    stop zinging each other.
  7. Venomine

    gay ass nigga

    gay ass nigga
  8. Venomine

    are you a sociopath?

    are you a sociopath?
  9. Venomine

    Best ban evading stories?

    I'm ban evading since evocity :trande:
  10. Venomine


  11. Venomine


  12. Venomine

    lieber schwarz als fett.

    lieber schwarz als fett.
  13. Venomine


    nice abuse @Fredy gonna make a staff complaint and you gonna end up like rustic.
  14. Venomine

    Is PERP actually dying?

    loejseren is in olsen, dumb rock with phone yek
  15. Venomine

    Post your memes here

    my grandson has great memes