Recent content by Villz

  1. Ban Request Ros Davidson (more included)

    During the roleplay, I recognize no form of interactions with the NPC. I was a witness. When roleplaying I recall that you should /me or atleast notify that you are currently having a gunpoint on the NPC.
  2. The old Yamaguchi times with Feng, Shen, Hiro and so on

    we won't be seeing you around, if you know what im talking about @Feng Yamaguchi ah im just joking, but playing without my good old yakuza gang isn't the same
  3. The old Yamaguchi times with Feng, Shen, Hiro and so on

    I haven't been playing Perpheads for quite a while, but I'm still up to date what's happening here on the website; I would just like to take my time to share my experience from back in late summer - early autumn what I will probably never forget in my gaming experience. I started off being a...
  4. Refund

    Your in-game name: Victor Cooper Steam ID: sortelandin Reason: I was planting coca og weed at my Regal apartment 4, and I alt-tabbed for like 2 minutes, and when I came back it said "disconnected:afk". I lost my marijuana and coke plant, and so did my friend. + i lost an apartment, which i just...