Recent content by Wilma King

  1. Wilma King

    Server Suggestion Crafting queue

    yea because by default your inventory will cap out at 12 anyways and you won't be able to craft anymore even if you have the materials either way a que system is desperately needed
  2. Wilma King

    Ban Dispute (chase)

    (Involved) We had been circling for awhile around suburbs making sure everything was clear and when we had pulled in to go inside I had seen a TFU right nearby so I had said "We'll just show TFU we can prove we have keys" because they had not gun pointed us or given any verbal commands as well...
  3. Wilma King

    you make me sick

    you make me sick
  4. Wilma King

    I second

    I second
  5. Wilma King

    actually james your kinda ass

    actually james your kinda ass
  6. Wilma King

    + court + evidence + texts

    + court + evidence + texts
  7. Wilma King

    He covered it up by getting me banned

    He covered it up by getting me banned
  8. Wilma King

    I'm going public with all the evidence I have against Lau and the unspeakable things he did to me

    I'm going public with all the evidence I have against Lau and the unspeakable things he did to me
  9. Wilma King

    Server Suggestion Crafting queue

    Yea I like that idea that's not a bad compromise to crafting like 500 individual items for like hrs straight
  10. Wilma King

    Action Request (IKEA monkey)

    wait did he self report breaking 3.4 and going to an active crime scene without a code 4 by police?
  11. Wilma King

    thank you chris me boy

    thank you chris me boy
  12. Wilma King

    Server Suggestion Crafting queue

    I understand the whole AFK Crafting but I just had to craft a 150 Rifle and 150 Pistol boxes for an order and I want to jump off a bridge the whole process is just mentally consuming
  13. Wilma King

    Server Suggestion Crafting queue

    Suggestion Title: Craftable que Suggestion Description: Crafters can que up items so that everytime an item finishes they don't have to go all the way back and click it again Why should this be added?: -It's a pain in the ass crafting over 300boxes of ammo and having to go back and forth for...
  14. Wilma King

    created a perp reddit

    you're fine just do what you want though just make sure to specify that it isn't official
  15. Wilma King

    created a perp reddit

    anyone can make something about perpheads it does not need to be endorsed by staff? nor does it need to be signed off if someone wants to make a reddit they can it's not like they are going to get a strike or something you're blowing something someone just wanted to do way out of proportion I'm...