Recent content by WolfyLuxion

  1. WolfyLuxion

    Update Log - 22/04/2019

    we need unicycles
  2. WolfyLuxion

    lmao you're the only one who wished me happy birthday this year, y'all fake af

    lmao you're the only one who wished me happy birthday this year, y'all fake af
  3. WolfyLuxion

    Take this gay test

    Sex drive on 9.5 ;)
  4. WolfyLuxion

    If you had the chance....

    I'm sad
  5. WolfyLuxion

    Take this Autism test. My result: Post yours down below...
  6. WolfyLuxion

    Rate my Redtube channel (youtube)

    How have I not seen this?!!!!
  7. WolfyLuxion

    Personality Test

  8. WolfyLuxion

    What is your new year resolution for 2019?

    Fuck bitches get money
  9. WolfyLuxion

  10. WolfyLuxion

    wow applause for rami using the same joke from years ago.

    wow applause for rami using the same joke from years ago.
  11. WolfyLuxion

    I'm shook as well furkan

    I'm shook as well furkan
  12. WolfyLuxion

    I thought u de same

    I thought u de same
  13. WolfyLuxion
  14. WolfyLuxion

    creepis plis no

    creepis plis no
  15. WolfyLuxion

    Open Discussion: Summer Tournament(s)

    csgo is the most played game, besides gmod. Rocket league could be something,except not everyone has the game :kappa: