Recent content by Zynsi

  1. Zynsi

    GoonSquad Organization Application!

    That can be arranged, it would benefit both parts and we could help eachother out as u said. in-game cell (284 2537)
  2. Zynsi

    GoonSquad Organization Application!

    Welcome to the GoonSquad organization application. How old are you?: What's your in game name?: What's your playtime on the server?: What previous organisation(s) have you been in?: Do you agree to the rules?: How would you rate your shooting skill from (Bad) (Not to bad) (Middle) (Good)...
  3. Zynsi

    Andollini Crime Family (Applications OPEN)

    How old are you?: 18 What's your in game name?: Liam Hunt What's your playtime on the server?: 17Days, 2hours, 44min What previous organisation(s) have you been in?: Never ben in a org before Do you agree to the rules?: Yes How would you rate your shooting skill (1-10) 8 What is your firearms...