[Vault Corporation] 2024 Strategic Research Survey Results

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Our first ever Strategic Research Survey provided breath-taking and exciting results that will invigorate and shape the future of Vault Corporation for days to come. As we look at the results gathered throughout November, we were able to see the true thoughts and values that we have built since April this year.

We’ve come a long way since then - but it’s important to note that today is a day where we look ahead, not back. That’s why we celebrate to share our findings, as a testament to both what we have done, and what will come next.

With introductions now complete, let’s get into the Strategic Research Survey!

It’s broken into three different sections, each a key area Vault Command believes is important to the vitality of the organisation. Each is a pillar of progress that we seek to advance to provide customers and members the best experience:

  1. Lifestyle/Connections/Satisfaction - Focused on the individual team members, and how they mesh with the ‘brand identity’ that is Vault Corp! This relates to all aspects to the individuals healthiness, happiness, and wealth in the organisation.
  2. Technologies/Innovations, Q.o.L. - As we remain an evolving and evolutionary company, we seek to add and improve on the tools that make your life easier. This section itself talks about our technological capabilities, and new additions to come.
  3. Leadership, Accountability, & Collaboration - This area focuses on the good business dealings, and sovereignty of Vault Corporation. In this section we asked employees about their faith in the leadership of Vault Corporation, and if the leadership was sound to continue serving at the pleasure of the people.

How proud are you to be in the Vault Corporation org?
Forms response chart. Question title: 1. Scale of 1-10, how proud are you to be in the Vault Corporation org?. Number of responses: 8 responses.

How well does VaultCorp give the opportunity to make new friends?
Forms response chart. Question title: 2. Scale of 1-10, how well does Vault Corporation give the opportunity to make new friends/connections?. Number of responses: 8 responses.

Supervisors listen to my concerns.
Forms response chart. Question title: 6. Supervisors listen to my concerns.. Number of responses: 8 responses.

How confidently do you understand your role/position?
Forms response chart. Question title: 5. Scale of 1-10 how confidently do you understand your role/position?. Number of responses: 8 responses.

Do you feel adequately rewarded for your labor?
Forms response chart. Question title: 4. Scale of 1-10, do you feel adequately rewarded for your labor?. Number of responses: 8 responses.

Supervisors are there to tell me about the direction VaultCorp takes.

Forms response chart. Question title: 7. Supervisors are there to tell me about changes and the direction Vault Corporation takes.. Number of responses: 8 responses.

Leadership (Counselors) are easily approachable.
Forms response chart. Question title: 6. Leadership (Counselors+) are easily approachable.. Number of responses: 8 responses.

How well do you trust colleagues in Vault Corporation?
Forms response chart. Question title: 3. Scale of 1-10, how well do you trust colleagues in Vault Corporation?. Number of responses: 8 responses.
Member Lifestyle, Connections, Satisfaction Review
We are astounded with a 95% percent satisfaction rate amongst our employees, along with the confidence and simplicity our team members express within their roles.
Further, we have near-perfect marks in the
opportunity to make connections, and reward-for-labor categories! Employees also feel like they are told well in advance about changes that the VaultCorp makes, with many feeling that Senior Management (Vault Counselors and above) are approachable!

Simply: Vault Corp is Paralakes Best Workplace of 2024. Tyla Jai’s core principles of integrity, steadfast innovation, and fairness is Vault Corporations #1 reason why it is so beloved. We are happy he’s awarded Perpheads 2024 Best Organisation Leader!

Does vaultcorp.org go beyond your expectation of a good website?
Forms response chart. Question title: 1. Does vaultcorp.org go beyond your expectation of a good website?. Number of responses: 8 responses.

What features do you enjoy most from vaultcorp.org?
The Market - 18%Phonebook - 9%
Operations Page - 18%Showcase Button - 9%
Profit & Loss (Finance Tab) - 18%‘Leave Organisation’ feature - 9%
Easy access, simplicity - 9%N/A - All Good! - 9%
What features are missing from vaultcorp.org?
N/A - All Here! - 50%“Low Spec” Setting - 16.23%
Vault Events - 16.23%Vault Finance, Loans - 16.23%
What Quality of Life improvements would you like to see?
Mobile/Laptop Compatibility Support - 25%
N/A - All good! - 75%
Technologies, Innovations, and Q.o.L Review
Many do not expect a premier site for a single organization. We hear users' demands for more smartphone compatibility in particular, and today we are excited to say that we are currently developing it for release in the near future! Stay tuned!

Rate your confidence in the leadership of Vault Corporation.
Forms response chart. Question title: 1. Rate your confidence in the leadership of Vault Corporation.. Number of responses: 8 responses.

How well do you trust colleagues in Vault Corporation?
Forms response chart. Question title: 3. Scale of 1-10, how well do you trust colleagues in Vault Corporation?. Number of responses: 8 responses.

Supervisors are there to tell me about the direction Vault Corporation takes.
Forms response chart. Question title: 7. Supervisors are there to tell me about changes and the direction Vault Corporation takes.. Number of responses: 8 responses.

Supervisors respect each other, and their employees.
Forms response chart. Question title: 9. Supervisors respect each other, and their employees.. Number of responses: 8 responses.

Supervisors are easily approachable.

Forms response chart. Question title: 8. Supervisors are easily approachable.. Number of responses: 8 responses.

I trust Supervisors to have my best interests in mind.
Forms response chart. Question title: 10. I trust Supervisors to have my best interests in mind.. Number of responses: 8 responses.

Rate the overall activity of Vault Leadership. (All)

Forms response chart. Question title: 2. Rate the overall activity of Vault Leadership. (All). Number of responses: 8 responses.

Leadership (Counselors) listen to my concerns.
Forms response chart. Question title: 3. Leadership (Counselors+) listen to my concerns.. Number of responses: 8 responses.

Leadership (Counselors) collaborates with outside Partners.
Forms response chart. Question title: 7. Leadership (Counselors+) collaborate with outside Partners.. Number of responses: 8 responses.

I trust leadership (Counselors) to make decisions in my interests.
Forms response chart. Question title: 8. I trust leadership (Counselors+) to make decisions in my interests.. Number of responses: 8 responses.

Leadership (Counselors) can be trusted with sensitive tasks

Forms response chart. Question title: 5. Leadership (Counselors+) can be trusted with sensitive tasks.. Number of responses: 8 responses.
Leadership, Accountability, Collaboration Review
Our first two questions of this category ask the employees about their confidence in leadership, and trust amongst peers both remarked as rated highly! We respect the results as they are, and believe the lower marks represent an outlier.

Next, questions 3-7 ask about the employees' confidence in their
Supervisors. In each question, Supervisors rated as elite; receiving superb ratings in communication on direction, their treatment to employees, approachability, and acting in the best personal welfare for members!

Next, the remaining five questions ask about
Counselors and their performance in trusted tasks - 50% of results submitted are perfect ‘10s’! The other 50% is averaged as 7 or above! We are happy that Leadership Activity averaged as8.8/10!

And finally - a Thank You, from all of us at Command: @Tyla Jai @Casey Heller @RipperJuice @R3D:

Thank you, for coming every day into our chat rooms, shops, or facilities to both grow yourselves; and have a laugh with us. You have all done your effort in taking the steps necessary to keep us the most structurally sound, and most innovative organisation that Paralake has seen. By being a team member, you have gone far above and beyond to excel in customer satisfaction, and making more people aware of our brand everyday.

Thank you, to our loyal Vault Members, from Recruits to Counsellors, from Contractors and Partners far and wide across the globe, Thank You for believing in us.

All the best for the holiday season,
The Vault Corporation
In spoiler 2, Quality of life, the suggestion to make the page more mobile friendly has been released and has proven to be effective and easy to use.