Ban Apology (Moonyx)

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Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Moonyx
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: Tomasz Szelbi
Your Roleplay Name: Baljeet Singh
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:604252451

Why were you punished?: 3.4, 3.5 - User decided to attempt to sell a property at the bank while warranted, which led to a huge shootout with police. They later returned to their last death location in a different situation; they were cuffed for walking into an active shootout walked into the property, actively communicating with their friend who was shooting at police right next to them.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I would like to apologise to Moon and all the other staff members which dealt with rule break in game. It was extremely silly of me to return back to my NLR zone when incident was still on going. I have no excuse for this at all and i accept full responsibility for my actions. I would also like to say that I shouldn't have attempted to try and sell my property without checking if I'm wanted beforehand. You questioned me in the report about why i had spoken to the NPC 3 times, i believe you may have been under the impression that i was baiting cops to cause a shootout, however this was not the case. I simply didn't look at the message that was being displayed on my screen when i clicked sell, i just took it for the normal sell notification that you get when you sell the property. I only realised that i was warranted when i read the notification on the 3rd interaction with the NPC as for some reason the property was not selling. At that moment i realised i was wanted so i told my org on TeamSpeak to "KOS COPS" and that's what led to the large scale shootout in the bank area. During my time banned i have reflected on my actions and i will make sure not do this again and take extra precautions before trying to sell my property in the case that i had the suspicion that i was warranted.

Additional Information: I would like to say that i have never had a ban for 3.4 before this and i waited out 2 weeks before making this appeal as i deemed this a suitable time before making an apology.
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