Action Request (Hans klaus STEAM_0:1:35530003 - David larson STEAM_0:0:167094026)

Reaction score

Your Steam Name: Honkerst
Your Roleplay Name: Baker Foe
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:793769455

Player's Steam Name: Hans klaus STEAM_0:1:35530003 - David larson STEAM_0:0:167094026
Player's Roleplay Name: Hans Klaus and David Larsson
Player's SteamID: David - Astronoodle - Hans - Stuffs

Why should this player be punished?: So my my mate and org meber was going into prison for 10 toes and i pull a gun to save him and tell the cops to put there hands up sadly i didnt pick up my audio but i am shouting HANDS UP to both of them hans then pulls a gun straight away and we get in a shoot out and i get him ingore my awful aim tho lmfao then david runs round to the car crouches and pulls out a gun at the time he is doing that i say YOU HAVE A GUN TO UR HEAD HANDS UP and still pulls out his gun and shots me. What i find even more fun i conffrented them both about this before the put me in prion and showed them the clip and they where still aguring it and saying nahh i didnt see you? And david seems like he has never even heard of the rule 3.4 and think its stupid he said so in real life if someone pulls a gun at you u aint gonna pull one out?

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