Ban Dispute (Locksmith)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Locksmith
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: [Lg]C>J
Your Roleplay Name: Katya love
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:49863988

Why were you punished?: 3.4- User whilst being gun pointed, was notified by another player, he failed to verify this, which had resulted in him being shot and killed, he had several chances to turn and verify if his life was in danger or not.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I was doing the chop shop mission, and these three players, Jake Arnolds, Mason Helms and a new player approached me while I was crowbaring. They started saying 'This is my car' and it was clearly not their car since It's a chop shop mission and they got the new player to gunpoint me and shoot me in the head for it.

When the player gunpointed me, Jake said in a low tone of voice as you can hear in the clip that I was being gunpointed, but I couldn't hear it because my game settings are so loud. When he said it the second time, it was more clear but then I was already in the animation, so I couldn't cancel it and I got shot in the head after 2 seconds after the warning.

Keep in mind, the gun was nowhere visible to me so I couldn't really tell if I was being gunpointed or not, since I didn't hear the warning.

Locksmith warned the new player but felt the need to punish me aswell for 3.4, even though I made it clear to him that I genuinely did not hear the warning because of the high crowbar noise and that there was absolutely no reason for me to be gunpointed or killed for doing a simple chop shop mission with an NPC car.
I want the people that are going to be handling this dispute to please put the volume at maximum in the clip and try to hear the first of the two warnings, with the other guy Mason Helms talking on top and him cutting the word It's VERY hard to hear the word 'gunpointed', I still can barely hear it if I relisten to it.
Just wanted to clear a couple bits up.

'they got the new player to gunpoint me and shoot me in the head for it.'

When did either of us say to said new player to gunpoint you or shoot you? I said you was being gunpointed multiple times to try help you not get shot. The new player was also telling you to stop throughout the entire situation even saying you had a gun pointed on you and that you would be shot if you did not stop aswell as giving a count down from 5. You did not listen or comply with his commands under gunpoint which ultimately led to your death. I personally agree with Locksmiths decision as I believe its clear in the video you have provided that you did in fact have more then enough time and warnings to comply yet you chose to carry on resulting in you breaking 3.4.

You say about you being in the animation when you finally heard me so you could not stop? You could have typed or used your mic showing the player you was willing to comply but you chose to stay silent throughtout the entire situation which would have also helped in the lead up to your death.

After your death we asked the new player his reasoning for killing you to which he simply said ' he was stealing somebodies car.' As from our POV we of course do not know it is a chopshop mission you was doing. As far as me and mason were aware he lived there so we assumed it was somebodies car he was basing with at the time.

Me nor mason had any say in the situation nor did we control the actions he took.

Whilst even if the player had broken a rule, you should have still complied under gunpoint, we have decided that it was barely audible to begin with and something, we likely wouldn't have taken seriously if it happened to us.

I highly suggest you adjust your game volume to be a little quiter, so you can hear players over the sound of sound effects.

The players around the new player, should have told him to stop, but instead laughed at him as he carried on doing what he was doing. Though we have decided not to issue any punishments on their behalf, it was still a super uncool move.

Reviewed with @A1L @3izu @torbizzle @HuskyD0G
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