Action Request (Jizzler, qv⊹, frostedflakes)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Policeman
Your Roleplay Name: Roger Halpern
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:572230303

Player's Steam Name: i dont know it was 3 people
Player's Roleplay Name: Steve Phromkraft , Gaz Uppy , Betty Drizzle
Player's SteamID:

Why should this player be punished?: I mugged Steve phromkraft in the forest at hicktown then after i took his stuff suddenly his friends came and ran me over to ragdoll me then his friends ziptie me take my stuff. Then after they were done taking my stuff Steve phromkraft shot me while i was ziptied. This is metagaming since he had no connection nor his phone out to contact his friends

Evidence Link:

Demo request were made for the following users:

@Betty drizzle

@gaz duppy - You will need to respond to me via discord. chase_wc

Can you all explain how and why you ended up where you were? The claim here is metagaming, a violation of rule 3.2.
Hey, Steve Phromkraft here- I just thought I'd weigh in on this situation given I was the one mugged.

My pov:

Further context: I had previously seen those accused of being "Meta gamers" in the forest, matter of fact they even chased us. Them coming to my aid is complete coincidence. I am willing to submit any demo that proves these men innocent. I would also like to note that not long after this incident I was rushed by another group to mug me yet there was no armed response to those.
ahaha i only know steve because we were on pd and in an org together a while back, i dont have him added on steam nor discord, we ran you over cause u were mugging a guy, we hit you so u dropped your weapon, and we could mug you, when i saw it was steve we helped him since he also had nothing on him, him shooting you has nothing to do with us however he did have KOS on you
we were also going into woods so many times looking for people to mug it will be shown in the demos
In the clip it clearly shows you were associated with Steve because you knew his name and realeased him and that you were going often in the woods just sounds like a bad excuse
And Also you said to Steve in the clip. he can do whatever with me in the clip "Steve you can do whatever with him hes yours". So at this Point your lying as i gave many factors which your stories and statements dont add up.
And Also you said to Steve in the clip. he can do whatever with me in the clip "Steve you can do whatever with him hes yours". So at this Point your lying as i gave many factors which your stories and statements dont add up.
leave it to chase mate ur wasting ur time he can legit see our demos
In the clip it clearly shows you were associated with Steve because you knew his name and realeased him and that you were going often in the woods just sounds like a bad excuse
so cause i know him it means im associated nice one pal
he said in ooc mate, he said u mugged him for 2 milk, this was after you got killed and were already crying in ooc btw
First of all i didnt "cry" i havent typed in chat but you did infact you said roger watch out in ooc after you mugged me. There is no point in arguing its up to chase

After reviewing the demos I've requested, I observed no rule violation. On a side note, they did travel through that area prior to your contact and drove away with no one around. When they arrived the second time, they could observe you from afar, gun-pointing the party who you were mugging. There was also communication throughout the demos.
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