Action Request (dijwarmeric12)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: AbeMae
Your Roleplay Name: Mae Bell
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:530706478

Player's Steam Name: dijwarmeric12
Player's Roleplay Name: Brian Hickman
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:550630494

Why should this player be punished?: Two people pulled up in front of me and Trisha in her car. They got out and gunpointed us to get out and put our hands up. I complied and still got killed. Not sure what the reasoning for killing me was. I haven't even interacted with these people prior to this situation.

This was being handled by Headline yesterday.

Evidence Link:
ok so when i was at bazaar there was people raiding our base glass co then i started calling out all the people to kos to my org members when we was kosing all of those raiders i saw this tranzit just wondering around then when it went to parker i looked at it it was a girl pointing a gun at me so i run to car wash and call it out then i see it go to parker then i went inside glass co i cleared inside then me and my org members went to raid parker when i was at parker i saw the same person wearing the same outfit that i saw was pointing a gun at me i went up to her and killed her
As you can see in the clip, we were just sitting there and have been sitting there for a minute. We were at Bazaar prior. Whether we are wearing the same clothes or not, you have the wrong person. If that is the case, anyone with an orange jacket to say, I can kill because "they looked alike?".

Clearly I am involved, I am in this clip. Gun pointed out.
Regardless, you had the wrong person. I have sat in Bazaar all day crafting up until the point of me and Trisha being in the car. You should have made sure you had the right person before being reckless.
(involved) i would like to mention i was the one pointing a gun out at you but theres many differences between me and mae. first of all the vehicle as the one gunpointing you was as you said a transit van, you wouldve also seen me head to bazaar in that transit and switch cars if that was the case, i also wear black but mae has a white cat in her jumper aswell as other features on her outfit that differ. as well as you seeing me point a two handed weapon which would have been clearly visible on the back, i say next time when you KOS someone make sure you know its them, looking alike isnt really an excuse to kill someone uninvolved.
u both had the same outfits and when i went parker she was there how am i supposed to get names when tryna kos u want me to do some magic and get ur name at that distance i saw her outfit and CALLED it out for kos and when i saw her at parker i killed her u guys knew we was coming and her being there at that time of moment is unfortunate
I didn't even have my transit van out at all yesterday. Mine and Steven Pablo's outfits are not completely the same (hats, shoes, and sweaters are different). We are also not the same female character. I have also not changed my outfit at all in a couple of days. You also should have noticed the name difference when I had gotten out of the car. If you weren't so quick to immediately shoot, you would have seen that.
and u being there while we was shooting around glass co storing guns still being there we only went to glass co to clear it when i came back out i saw u and figured it was u who was pointing a gun at me
but thats besides the point, if u arent certain dont KOS them? they have different outfit features to me therefore shooting them for the sake of "they look alike" isnt a reason? if u kill everyone who just looks like someone without knowing that could just be classed as RDM at that point, u need to be certain when u KOS someone. just cause me and mae both wear black doesnt make us the same people lol
hows that beside the point if that is the reason she got killed for being at parker while the shootout didnt end just cuz the shots were stopped for 1minute doesnt mean its end of shootout and how can i look at all features when u was gun pointing me i had to take cover which the only features that caught my eyes were black beanie female and black sweater AT Parker

After reviewing the player's demo, @Brian Hickman had a certain degree of reasoning behind the shooting. However, as he was very far away from the player when he actually saw him, @MaeBell shouldn't have been shot for this, as it was @Brian Hickman's responsibility to confirm the identity of the player that had participated in the earlier raid.

As a result of this Action Request, @Brian Hickman's current ban will be extended to 1 week for 2.5.

Reviewed with @Bnjemann, @Mxdium
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