Server Suggestion V6 Suggestion Player Statistics Website

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Suggestion Title: V6 Suggestion Player Statistics Website
Suggestion Description: Basically a garrys mod version of this Players can try rank up the leaderboard in different statistics such as the following: Most Headshots, Most Kills, Most Deaths, Most Burgers Eaten, Most Packages Delivered, Most Weapons Sold, Longest Time as Mayor, Most Jumps, Longest Time Sprinting, etc can be anything really.
Could be reset monthly to allow new players to compete and try reach top position on a random statistic
After resetting the stats the previous month stats could be archived to show the top players of previous leaderboards

Why should this be added?:
- I think this will help give people an objective when there's nothing going on or a bit of motivation for doing a certain task.
- This could help with the server economy by encouraging players to do certain jobs or by players buying items like food more often due to trying to get leaderboard for jumping or sprinting.
- Personally I like competition and a lot of the players on perpheads are very competitive as well i think people will enjoy this leaderboard system (I've seen the montages on youtube)

What negatives could this have?:
- This leaderboard idea could lead to people hoarding certain jobs which could be seen as unfair.
- Players might commit RDM to get most kills so possibly only adding certain goals to the leaderboard that cannot be abused or result in negative impact on overall gameplay.
- There's probably a lot more that i cant think of as of writing this.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: I think it solves the problem of the only current leaderboard being available at the moment is on sales at bazaar and this doesn't reset often and is also ran basically by a few monopoly orgs this is fine and shouldn't be changed if players are accustomed to this but i think this leaderboard system on top will help keep players active and help new players have something to work towards.

Useful Images: 1726501995856.png
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This feels like an inside joke that i am not inside on :(
It is.

Anyway, in terms of the actual suggestion, sure, some of these things would be cool, but I feel like the negatives, which you've pretty aptly described would spoil it. What's more, I feel like the organisation leaderboards and xp system does a good enough job at providing competitive players with something to sink their teeth into, though it could always be expanded, as it has been in the past. I think individual player leaderboards would be counterintuitive for organisations. For jobs, there's already a job xp leaderboard for medic and firefighter. Roadcrew and Courier could certainly be added to that website, though given they have only a few ranks, and there's little chance of them being expanded any time soon, it might not make any sense.
It is.

Anyway, in terms of the actual suggestion, sure, some of these things would be cool, but I feel like the negatives, which you've pretty aptly described would spoil it. What's more, I feel like the organisation leaderboards and xp system does a good enough job at providing competitive players with something to sink their teeth into, though it could always be expanded, as it has been in the past. I think individual player leaderboards would be counterintuitive for organisations. For jobs, there's already a job xp leaderboard for medic and firefighter. Roadcrew and Courier could certainly be added to that website, though given they have only a few ranks, and there's little chance of them being expanded any time soon, it might not make any sense.
Completely understand about the job stuff and orgs personally the leaderboards for me would have like silly things like Most times hit by vehicle or like longest playtime ljust fun stuff in the background that people might not even know they are no1 on the leaderboard of that statistic. I'm fairly new to this server so this suggestion might be the complete opposite of what the long term players actually like/want :)

Your comment of the only leaderboard being in Bazaar is false, there is org leaderboards, which include Overall, Crime, Items Sold etc.
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