Your Steam Name: ALOO89
Your Roleplay Name: leonard
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169228602
Player's Steam Name: idk
Player's Roleplay Name: cameron bleed and xiang qin and joel lavender
Player's SteamID: idk
Why should this player be punished?: players ingnored my gp and just walk around and breaking zip tize while they have been ask to not do it undear gp
especially cameron bleed as you can see he is not really take care of hes life and saying some shit on the video
Evidence Link:
Your Roleplay Name: leonard
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169228602
Player's Steam Name: idk
Player's Roleplay Name: cameron bleed and xiang qin and joel lavender
Player's SteamID: idk
Why should this player be punished?: players ingnored my gp and just walk around and breaking zip tize while they have been ask to not do it undear gp
especially cameron bleed as you can see he is not really take care of hes life and saying some shit on the video
Evidence Link: