Your Steam Name: AbeMae
Your Roleplay Name: Mae Bell
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:530706478
Player's Steam Name: dijwarmeric12
Player's Roleplay Name: Brian Hickman
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:550630494
Why should this player be punished?: Two people pulled up in front of me and Trisha in her car. They got out and gunpointed us to get out and put our hands up. I complied and still got killed. Not sure what the reasoning for killing me was. I haven't even interacted with these people prior to this situation.
This was being handled by Headline yesterday.
Evidence Link:
Your Roleplay Name: Mae Bell
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:530706478
Player's Steam Name: dijwarmeric12
Player's Roleplay Name: Brian Hickman
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:550630494
Why should this player be punished?: Two people pulled up in front of me and Trisha in her car. They got out and gunpointed us to get out and put our hands up. I complied and still got killed. Not sure what the reasoning for killing me was. I haven't even interacted with these people prior to this situation.
This was being handled by Headline yesterday.
Evidence Link: