- Messages
- 8
- Reaction score
- 0
- Points
- 145
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Locksmith
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month
Your Steam Name: Prospect
Your Roleplay Name: Dametreus Demarcus
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:583676442
Why were you punished?: 2.5- User had shot and killed a Roadcrew due to them "snitching"( as they would be required to do to stay in accordance with the law) on the user, as well as attempting to tow his vehicle due to it being in the middle of the road// Longer ban due to horrid record with following the most basic of rules.
Why should this appeal be considered?: Firstly I would like to apologise for killing the roadcrew. I did not have any rule breaking intentions and considering that i have just came off a 6 month ban, I was on my best behaviour and stayed out of any confrontations. This was my first confrontation that i got into during my time back on the server. As well as this, I did not kill the roadcrew for ''snitching''. This is a complete lie and I was afk during the entire f6 meaning I wasn't able to plead my case. I had joined back after getting kicked for being afk then I went afk again and when I came back I was banned. I even messaged Locksmith privately on Discord however he ignored me. Putting that aside, I did not kill the RC because he 'snitched' I got in a confrontation with him and he was telling me to shoot him numerous times by saying 'go on then shoot him'. At one point, I was even about to drive off however he kept provoking me for no reason. This all rooted from an incident that happened around half an hour before where he rammed into my car and starting arguing with me for no reason. I will show evidence off this below showing clips. I appreciate that I have a 'horrid' history but most of it is from 3 years prior. Having come off a 6 month ban, I have had a lot of time to thing about my actions and although I have a negative history, I have learnt from my mistakes and stayed out of as much confrontations and incidents as I could. To summarise, I didn't kill the roadcrew for the reason specified, I was afk at the time the report was made meaning I didn't get a say in the matter. I once again apologies for the whole situation however. He had already called the police in order to sort out an unrelated issue he was having with another individuals car, the police had nothing to do with me hence proving there was nothing to 'snitch'.
Additional Information: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jMxdHqccL6jIqTgHC?invite=cr-MSxOOWQsMTYwNjYxMzk2LA
Here, you can hear him say that he had called the police already so i might want to run away. This proves the fact that I didn't shoot him for 'snitching' as he didn't call the police on me in the first place, he had already called the police prior to my arrival. You can hear him say 'you might want to leave by the way because the police are coming to deal with this situation, he then points to the issue he is having with his car'. You can even hear me being hesitant saying 'your not worth the bullet' however the player in purple pushed me over the edge by pulling out a gun on me and threatening me when he wasn't even involved. You can hear the roadcrew worker saying 'go on shoot me then' whilst I'm being reluctant trying to deescalate the situation by saying your not worth the bullet. The RC worker even says 'lets see what you got' when I was about to drive it. This proves his accusation of me shooting him for 'snitching' was false.
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Locksmith
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month
Your Steam Name: Prospect
Your Roleplay Name: Dametreus Demarcus
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:583676442
Why were you punished?: 2.5- User had shot and killed a Roadcrew due to them "snitching"( as they would be required to do to stay in accordance with the law) on the user, as well as attempting to tow his vehicle due to it being in the middle of the road// Longer ban due to horrid record with following the most basic of rules.
Why should this appeal be considered?: Firstly I would like to apologise for killing the roadcrew. I did not have any rule breaking intentions and considering that i have just came off a 6 month ban, I was on my best behaviour and stayed out of any confrontations. This was my first confrontation that i got into during my time back on the server. As well as this, I did not kill the roadcrew for ''snitching''. This is a complete lie and I was afk during the entire f6 meaning I wasn't able to plead my case. I had joined back after getting kicked for being afk then I went afk again and when I came back I was banned. I even messaged Locksmith privately on Discord however he ignored me. Putting that aside, I did not kill the RC because he 'snitched' I got in a confrontation with him and he was telling me to shoot him numerous times by saying 'go on then shoot him'. At one point, I was even about to drive off however he kept provoking me for no reason. This all rooted from an incident that happened around half an hour before where he rammed into my car and starting arguing with me for no reason. I will show evidence off this below showing clips. I appreciate that I have a 'horrid' history but most of it is from 3 years prior. Having come off a 6 month ban, I have had a lot of time to thing about my actions and although I have a negative history, I have learnt from my mistakes and stayed out of as much confrontations and incidents as I could. To summarise, I didn't kill the roadcrew for the reason specified, I was afk at the time the report was made meaning I didn't get a say in the matter. I once again apologies for the whole situation however. He had already called the police in order to sort out an unrelated issue he was having with another individuals car, the police had nothing to do with me hence proving there was nothing to 'snitch'.
Additional Information: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jMxdHqccL6jIqTgHC?invite=cr-MSxOOWQsMTYwNjYxMzk2LA
Here, you can hear him say that he had called the police already so i might want to run away. This proves the fact that I didn't shoot him for 'snitching' as he didn't call the police on me in the first place, he had already called the police prior to my arrival. You can hear him say 'you might want to leave by the way because the police are coming to deal with this situation, he then points to the issue he is having with his car'. You can even hear me being hesitant saying 'your not worth the bullet' however the player in purple pushed me over the edge by pulling out a gun on me and threatening me when he wasn't even involved. You can hear the roadcrew worker saying 'go on shoot me then' whilst I'm being reluctant trying to deescalate the situation by saying your not worth the bullet. The RC worker even says 'lets see what you got' when I was about to drive it. This proves his accusation of me shooting him for 'snitching' was false.