Refund Request (VBondo)

Reaction score

Your Steam Name: VBondo
Your Roleplay Name: {custom.rpname}
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:76334142

Reason for Request: Got shot by some cheaters with wall hack

Requested Items: 12 planter pots and 12 coca seeds

Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member
Staff Member: @Kugen
Just for clarification, I told @VBondo to tag me in this request while dealing with 12+ refund requests with @Oddy before he got in game. In what way did you lose your drugs to the cheater?
Just for clarification, I told @VBondo to tag me in this request while dealing with 12+ refund requests with @Oddy before he got in game. In what way did you lose your drugs to the cheater?
I got shot so i would guess they harvested my plants and took my plots, but i really don't know?
Just confirming, you checked that your drugs were harvested by another player?
I don’t fully understand I had planter boxes with 6 pots each so 12 and therefore 12 coca planted i then got shot by the cheaters and when the plpd came and helped me I got my gun back but my pots and plants were gone so I lost them to the cheaters yes
I don’t fully understand I had planter boxes with 6 pots each so 12 and therefore 12 coca planted i then got shot by the cheaters and when the plpd came and helped me I got my gun back but my pots and plants were gone so I lost them to the cheaters yes
Understood, I will contact @Oddy as he’s assisted me with the refunds for everyone involving the cheater.