Ban Apology (HuskyDOG, extended by Locksmith)

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Biettifeld North Rhine-Westphalia
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @HuskyDOG, extended by Locksmith
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: mj2067
Your Roleplay Name: Tarone Idrin
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:791941820

Why were you punished?: Reason 3.4 - Loitered in the same area after their friend murdered an officer to kill the officer once he was revived, did so in front of 2 government employees. Failed to flee the scene// Extended by Locksmith for 2.5 3.4- User had zip tied an LEO at Front of Bazaar due to being warranted, after they had complied with them, shot and killed the LEO causing his life alert to go off for no real beneficial reason to do so.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Dear Huskyddg and locksmith its currently 12am on the dot. I have acknowledged my despicable actions on the 7th of march i am aware my conduct was disorderly and vioalted the basic rules, i have had a considerable record for violating 3.4 alongside 2.5 and this is something that I know Im in the wrong for. My actions of executing the Leo (mehmet groth) and the summarily executions of other LEO's led to a catastrophic means of unnecessary death and waste of times of all individuals from staff to even the players i affected so i could power trip.

I deeply regret and feel pity for all those involved as my actions were out of order, lacked calculation or genuine critical thought yes I could have done better however in all honesty I shouldn't of even been involved in the first place. I sacrificed other peoples valuable time and effort for me to live my selfish goals in killing officers for the fun of it instead of regulating the situation and providing valuable assesment and thought and I shouldve done it for everyone and not just me but all parties. If it wasnt for my actions i would be able to of played the past week however my short term goals completely ignored the long goals of playing, having fun, improving and interacting with the community.

At the time my main goals were to get a quick kill, hook for dopamine and even validation in my own personal skills. I believe that this wasn't just a rulebreak but rather a genuine perspective of trying to make myself feel better so i can bolster my own online ego and presence, was it worth it? Not at all, did it need to happen? Not at all however I can learn that i shouldnt try and validate my own abilities for online ego points. However my pure aim in this was just to try and take advantage over a unfair battle against unfairly equipped cops who had already died and even against those lesser experienced, it was simply cowardous and in all honesty i was in the wrong as i was simply just being a coward so i could brag or get good clips.

I take full responsibility for what I did and the validation, excuses or anything was no one elses thought i simply done something when no one genuinely cared while I just got myself banned for the stupidest reason like i genuinely dont know why i done it or what i benefited from it. I violated principles for the fun of it while not accounting for the effects beyond a quick kill and a reason to be warranted and get pvp from bad cops (no offence) it was just a stunt that costed 168 hours and valuable hours of your time and locksmiths if not even headlines.

As a solution I will make sure to read 3.4 and 2.5 everytime I play perpheads and if needed before i get into gunfights. I need to be acountable of my actions moving on and I will take advantage of the helper and f6 system created to stop myself getting into any of these situations preventing me from getting banned and in even more trouble. I am commited to being a better player therefore i must move on and move with callus, coordination and discipline to refrain from getting myself banned or even getting in any contact with staff at all. I promise that i shall be careful and use these systems efficently and to its most
appropriate and sufficent use.

I humbly ask you for forgiveness in the hope that you see me as a redeemable member to the community that can support myself and others. My conduct has been questionable to say the least therefore i must move on as a character and as a player of perpehads therefore I need to improve and redeem myself, I would ask that if you do please have any forgiveness in me and my actions and that I formally apologise to all people that i have harmed with this horendous roleplay and i agree with my punishment however i plead that you have a slimmer of hope for my redemption.

Moving forward with my apology I will be a member of the community designated to helping others learn and use my mistakes of repetitive action as a way to guide new players to being better and redeeming themselves too. I aim to be a enforcer one day or staff myself therefore moving on i shall move with positivity, empathy and discipline for myself, thank you for having restraint and not banning me for even longer. Also my apologies once again to locksmith and husky over this you shouldnt of had to waste time on me over something i could have 100% avoided i am a experienced player and i should know the rules better

I conclude that i have came as a redeemed man and that I aim to become a better player and not negatively effect other players and their own roleplay for my own.

Additional Information: I deeply apologise for wasting husky and locksmiths time ingame and ooc with questions about my ban my mom has also shouted at me over my ban saying how its my favourite game and i should abide by the rules im not lying i have proof
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I reccomend you to read up and refresh yourself on 3.4, as within the short time since your return, you have recieved 3 bans and a warning for 3.4 and your punishments will only be getting harsher the more you break it.
You have been unbanned.
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