played 3 prem games lost first two due to retard tking griefing idiots getting me from 4,999 elo to 4500 elo but won final 16-14 when it was a 4v5 getting me back up to 4,737 elo
won 2 premier games getting me to 4.8k elo but lost final game which wouldve been a rank up to 5k+ but trash teammates sold, im so annoyed now im back to 4.6k
won 3/3 premier games today getting me from 3,988 elo to 4,451. I got my first premier ace in my most recent round and it has been bad elo games again with more negative than positive. In final game i was against one guy with 7.7k elo but i still got game mvp by far
I won 3/3 Premier games i played today getting me from 3,643 elo to 3,988 elo. Please does anyone know WHY HAVE MY PAST 4 GAMES in 3K ELO all have it so if i lost i would lose like 170 but winning only gave me 110~ on each. this fricking silly elo ranking is not helping with my goal to get 5k+ by the end of the season