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Imperial Watch
Imperial Watch
anyone who seriously believed a billionaire like trump would take care of the interests of the people should have their voting rights taken away
Even people like Newt or Rudy are very positive for the administration even if they are insiders. He needs people who know the system and aren't owned by it. As for the businesses: who knows better how to effectively manage employees and funds than a corporate executive? You chose a classically liberal anti-trump newspaper Fredy and only got the facts they wanted to give. ''Tis ''tis.
The fact is trump won so everybody needs to stop taking out their anger and acting like cry babies and give him a damn chance. He was elected and if he screws up okay if he does well great. But remember even the act of getting him elected alone has caused markets to soar to LITERALLY record level. Just give him a chance, I don't want to hear it.
Facts are right regardless of where they are published.
Ryan, Gingrich, Giuliani, Pence and Palin are ALL long time political players. They live and breathe exactly the system that you said was so corrupt and had to be destroyed.
Now Trump is turning around and putting exactly those people in power, but hey look, all of the sudden you are fine with it because it makes you feel good.
So you expect him to just appoint people who know nothing about politics? He is appointing those who stuck with him and his ideals to change the system for the better. Pence shares in his ideal as well as everybody else. Gingrich has been a long time avid supporter of government reform and Giuliani has been a mayor and a prosecutor who fought for fair treatment and reform. But Palin is dumb yes
The facts are right. But the interpretation of them is as surface as 'they were in politics before they must be establishment, Trump is a sellout'. STOP and give the guy a damn chance, I'm out.