Perpheads Forums

Forced to disband because they fear of another dominant Olsen shitshow

Actually also good in a way since it means we will no longer have a zerg army holing themselves up, been a while since a good war
Cody Garrett
Cody Garrett
Since when big orgs have been a problem
When a big org was around there was usually another big org as a counterweight if you will. There was a bigger chance of them spicing things up with one "accidentally" raiding each other but since perp had a peak player count of 30 yesterday they believe it was just bad and dominant at this point as you also see almost no small org survive
Cody Garrett
Cody Garrett
yEp i see, thats why i should be unbanned - to increase the amount of players by one omegalul. if theres 30 players and i come on then theres 3% more players which is not a bad increase!!!!!!!!