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I think fewer killings would result in a more friendly game mode. But no! Lets wall bang sweaters, kill dispatchers and blow up road crew workers because they make it a little harder to reach the next CS GO level on PERP

exactly what I said too, wasting time and leaving behind more DNA what is the fucking point

just dispute it at this point @The HitMan
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The HitMan
The HitMan
Currently doing so
@The HitMan the only reason he was shot was because he decided to shoot the two tfu at city hall who was waiting out the nlr
I agree with @Creepis . This is something that has NEVER been allowed before.
and in connection with this, you got a warning, which is ridiculous as staff enforces that rules only at specific times...

Mr @Greg can you explain how its allowed to stay in the PD longer than needed?
@Samuel thats very much a leading question

its beneficial for the actions to occur as it had been proven beforehand that callum was repeatedly giving cops additional information and evidence to make tracking down each individual involved significantly easier for the police, resulting in police being sent to projex essentially on cooldown, seen the exact same thing so many times
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waiting around 20 seconds to potentially provide you minutes of additional time in the near future is always going to be justified

he made no genuine attempt to comply and made snarky comments breaking character under gunpoint and wonders why he gets shot when its his own actions that guaranteed his death when aloo couldve just ziptied him/locked him in a cell etc.

very strange sense of entitlement there
@Sorle His comments under gunpoint had no impact on his death, ALO would gunpoint an LEO or Dispatcher without the intention to shot them in a situation like that, from what I have seen at least. Pretty sure my question was directed to Mr Greg to get answers seeing as people have been punished for this before. So clarification is needed and should be expected.
There are many things you can do, if you need to escape the PD without having a dispatcher follow you via CCTV, you could tie them up, shot their computer, or lock them up. Everything does not need to end in a kill. Tying @The HitMan and locking him into the meeting room would probably give them even more time.
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Rather dangerous assumption to make in a situation like this however; if there's a way to even slightly minimise the risk towards your life it should always be taken, immediately putting him at fault as he did quite the opposite. The killing was essentially made justified by Hitman's actions and that's the only real thing that could be acted upon without making assumptions.
Regardless of whether or not ALOO was at fault with his actions - which can be endlessly argued back and forth as the benefit vs risk is a significantly more subjective matter, Hitman still had significant objective fault in his actions.
first at all we raided the pd to break our friend after that we open dispach door and sow you so we killed you you where witnes + i was sure you give them info about us killing cops on projex
this is what ALO said, from what I understand of this.
They killed him because they saw him and that they suspected him of giving information to the police, which is kind of his job. I also wonder if they even knew if there was a dispatcher or not, or if they actually just broke in to check.
You should not take unnecessary risks and should take all possible steps to stay alive without taking too many risks. This is true yes, leaving more DNA is in no way a good way of making sure you don't end up dead or on the little PD computer as a warranted person. Zip-ties was added for a reason, I have raided the PD a few times, and tied dispatchers and cops up.
And it worked great, as they will spend many minutes unable to do anything. And you do not leave an excessive amount of DNA.
And I can not see how it is Hitmans fault, he did his job. This comes down to what kind of server players want, and it's clear that some people do not want to spend the extra time, money, and effort to give the other side some roleplay.
I think Hitman would be fine with being tied up, or even kidnapped.
As I said above somewhere, I personally think that when people play with the sole intention to kill everyone who causes you issues or stand in your way, you will end up where PERP was last year.
I will try to leave this profile alone now, I don't the Hitman wants to be spammed with notifications.
But this is not as much what the so-called staff team thinks is OK and not OK, it's more about what kind of environment the community wants to play in. The instant killing type roleplay is fun sure, killing people to be able to create cringe videos is fun.
But when this happens too much, especially newer players that join alone will get tired of it. And it will in the end make older players leave, players that are actually looking for proper roleplay situations like Hitman.
The HitMan
The HitMan
I dont get how it was my fault that I wanted to die, I made 1 comment and so did lana and complied.
Can't fault you on the argument that zipties would've proven significantly more effective, that was my initial thought.

The argument about the attitude of the community to kill first and think later is one I think I'd rather leave for another time & another place which isn't someone else's profile lmao. However, final note, I will say that there's definitely merit to that argument.