Perpheads Forums

Double J
Double J
We can't always spot officers. The application is just 3 questions, 2 Multiple choice and one asking why you feel you are ready, Not that tedious.
I'm not bothered about it, just find it funny how promotions have secretly been changed
Double J
Double J
They have not been secretly changed, Everyone should have realised by now that there are applications. If they were secretly changed then the General Operations Command team (when these were introduced before I was lieutenant) would not have announced it on

If you have suggestions for how Promotions should work, then you are more than welcome to suggest them.
@CaughtRed its been this way for a very long time now. Since command teams were reduced in size and sections were phased out of relevancy, Command members obviously aren't as able at spotting candidates for promotions like they used to be.
Imo, it gets rid of waking up one morning to find you were spontaneously promoted, or waiting absolute months to a year or two without a promotion. Under the old system it took me 14 months to get senior officer, and thats only because I asked @Ayjay to promote me in OOC.