Mim Feb 16, 2021 Finally, you can actually properly use grammar. Took you long enough. @Hayden I feel we have affected real change.
Finally, you can actually properly use grammar. Took you long enough. @Hayden I feel we have affected real change.
Hayden Feb 15, 2021 Holy shit you've actually decided to use a capital letter for your username. Respect!
lamby Feb 14, 2021 excuse me, por favor? you declined my man kenty!?!?!?!?! you're done for, I'm joining perp RIGHT now to rdm you
excuse me, por favor? you declined my man kenty!?!?!?!?! you're done for, I'm joining perp RIGHT now to rdm you
CensoredExe Jan 22, 2021 you told me you were drinking again tonight so I thought you should wake up to something helpful x Home At AA, alcoholics anonymous members help each other to stop drinking. If you think you need help with your drinking problem get in touch. www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk
you told me you were drinking again tonight so I thought you should wake up to something helpful x Home At AA, alcoholics anonymous members help each other to stop drinking. If you think you need help with your drinking problem get in touch. www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk