Perpheads Forums

AstraZeneca, 15:30 on 20/02 is when I received my jab.

As of now 2:30 on 21/02 I've noticed chills on my hands after exiting my bed sheets and general coldness on my body, that's about it.
Woke up at 7:00 on 21/02 for a piss. Body doesn't shake as much anymore but my body temperature is at 38.5°c. Took 1 and a half 500mg Paracetamol to lower it.
Hopefully my last update, I feel way better now.

Starting around 19:00 on 21/02 I experienced higher than usual BPM while resting (110 to 130). It has normalized so far and didn't feel anything off during that period, was a bit worried something might happen but I worried myself for nothing. My body temperature is back at a normal 37,1°c after taking another one and a half Paracetamol
(remember kids, 3x500mg maximum a day) and my blood pressure is also looking pretty good except for the Systolic value which was 60 but nothing of much concern. You can see in the screenshot below how much my BPM was out of place and playing weird at 18:00/19:00.
My smartwatch thought I was doing Aerobic exercises. I verified these results by counting the beats on my carotid artery as well as my wrist by counting for 15 seconds and multiplying by 4 to make sure my watch wasn't acting up, I can't really explain why my heart rate was acting weird but our whole body is one giant autonomous mess anyways.
The HitMan
The HitMan
Your government now knows your exact location with that tracking device inside of you :picture:
2nd vaccination received just now, Moderna. Let's see.