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  1. Dom_

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2024 - Results!

    Barely play crim anymore and still giving you a run for your money, gg
  2. Dom_

    Server Suggestion Foregrip

    Was about to say this, recoil doesn't need to be reduced, improved ADS speed or movement speed while ADS would be cool.
  3. Dom_

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

    Damn I guess it's finally time to get a crosshair....
  4. Dom_

    I've missed you Jay, hope to see you soon mate!

    I've missed you Jay, hope to see you soon mate!
  5. Dom_

    Bon Voyage!

    Holy shit he's free!
  6. Dom_

    Bon Voyage!

    A very wholesome goodbye, I hope you do not trip down any steep and long flights of stairs on your travels and you can always find the cold side of the pillow. Farewell chum, o7
  7. Dom_


  8. Dom_

    Server Suggestion crowbar pity system

    I personally haven't had this problem, I just don't think a lot of people know that walking away from the door during the animation prevents it from opening/reduces the chances. Stand next to the door, don't alt sprint away during it and you're in 9/10 times.
  9. Dom_


  10. Dom_

    Monke in Paradize [MiP]

    Bro's movement needs to be studied
  11. Dom_

    Staff issue

    This is all I read of your reply and I'm ready to vote for you for president of the United States.
  12. Dom_

    Staff issue

    Have you not heard? ASDA disbanded!
  13. Dom_

    Randy-Franks Heisenberg petition

    I don't want to sigh
  14. Dom_

    Randy-Franks Heisenberg petition

    Are you talking about yourself in the third-person?
  15. Dom_


    The JAYDEM didn't age well.... @Franko
  16. Dom_

    Server Suggestion Automatic gun fire mode

    I've rarely had this issue but I don't see any harm in it as long as my gun doesn't click every time I get it out of my trunk, I can see that getting quite annoying. A different preference for different weapon types would also be interesting as I wouldn't like my G3A3 set to auto and pissing 10k...
  17. Dom_

    Rule Suggestion (4.4 Road Crew Workers)

    With the new system for giving tickets and jailing requiring a tickbox function of laws, would it not be beneficial for roadcrew to get a notification (much like the right click from ticket books on disabled and clamped cars) the second any ticket is given for 12.4 - allowing RC to come and tow...
  18. Dom_

    Perptage || Sproxy

    Doesn't sound like something the Senior Administrator of an inclusive garry's mod community would say!
  19. Dom_


    My exact reticle but thinner, how did u do that
  20. Dom_

    Legacy's Legacy

    Same energy as -
  21. Dom_

    KISS ME - Full Version

    The ex-staff habit of opening console every time you die is REAL
  22. Dom_

    Update Log - 30/06/2024

    PPS looks pretty cool
  23. Dom_

    Happy birthday daddy

    Happy birthday daddy
  24. Dom_

    Perpheads Paintball Tournament

    Looks great, would definitely be interested.
  25. Dom_

    Server Suggestion Make Planters flip the right way up easier

    I like this, would be helpful for creating shop displays etc. Would just need to make sure that it doesn't work for frozen props.
  26. Dom_

    Server Suggestion Make Planters flip the right way up easier

    Suggestion Title: Make Planters flip the right way up easier Suggestion Description: Make planters rotate up the correct way around when pressing R on them with fists out like the old gardening pots used to. Why should this be added?: - Makes it easier when dealing with planters, especially...
  27. Dom_


    The newest employee, FLOYD!
  28. Dom_

    Refund Request (Dom_)

    Your Steam Name: Dom_ Your Roleplay Name: Kermit Gandhi Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:68712767 Reason for Request: Confiscated during raid Requested Items: 2 x ak101, red dot, compensator 1x sig sauer sg550, rifle reflex Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @Sean