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  1. Dom_

    Rule Suggestion (3.5 New Life Rule)

    Sorry what
  2. Dom_

    Rule Suggestion (3.5 New Life Rule)

    The only balance I see is either reducing slots, increasing police NLR or disallowing them from responding to a situation they've died in altogether.
  3. Dom_

    Server Suggestion reduce the tfu and cop slots

    Policies don't balance anything, they essentially just stop 2.5. Cops still respond to a shootout and shoot anyone in the area that's armed or has been identified as a shooter so I dont quite understand this. The only thing you cant do is kill eject people from a car?
  4. Dom_

    Rule Suggestion (3.5 New Life Rule)

    The idea that you can finish a raid, killing all the cops and defenders in a property, transport drugs/weapons, and escape from the camping TFU snipers holding a doorway, or a swat van camper, or even pistol snipers is crazy and quite frankly ignorant as fuck. The majority of you who are...
  5. Dom_

    Server Suggestion reduce the tfu and cop slots

    In all fairness you can't deny that an average of like 1/6 or 1/5 of the server against 1 org is kinda nuts. - Not to mention the nerfs that organisations had to prevent zerging which is necessary to beat the PLPD zerg. Crims pay for weapons and equipment, cops get it free Crims get punished...
  6. Dom_

    Rule Suggestion (3.5 New Life Rule)

    there are 26 max cop slots on full server, I dont even want to calculate how many kills you expect to happen within this time before the first cops can re-respond, not even mentioning the points made above about transporting drugs and guns - which is literally the point of a raid. If I could...
  7. Dom_

    Server Suggestion reduce the tfu and cop slots

    I've said it once and I'll say it again - PD is free and so is cry, at the moment it is incredibly hard to win raids or do pretty much anything criminal that makes money besides afk growing without zerging and risking a few as50s and many more expensive rifles.
  8. Dom_

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    Due to this being extended to a 6 month ban, this is no longer up to me and will have to wait to be reviewed by the administration team.
  9. Dom_

    Update Log 21/02/2023

    Lemme get a skinfade
  10. Dom_

    The Best Stakeout Of my PLPD career

    I definitely laughed almost as much as you did
  11. Dom_

    Ban Dispute (Dom_)

    Please check your forum PMs and provide the requested demo.
  12. Dom_

    Communication Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    The above message explains it all really.
  13. Dom_

    If I ever see you speaking to this man I will ban you on the spot. He is too young, leave him...

    If I ever see you speaking to this man I will ban you on the spot. He is too young, leave him alone. Pedo...
  14. Dom_

    Lets talk about Community Managers.

    @Jay Hatch supporters stand up rn.
  15. Dom_

    Ban Apology (Dom_)

    Please also stop spamming me in PMs
  16. Dom_

    Ban Apology (DOM_)

  17. Dom_

    Ban Apology (Dom_)

  18. Dom_

    Ban Apology (Dom_)

  19. Dom_

    Police Suggestion Make Heavy TFU move slightly slower

    Suggestion Title: Make Heavy TFU move slightly slower Suggestion Description: Reduce the movement speed of heavy tfu slightly Don't disregard this because "crims have ak and as50s" or "zergs" bc TFU has increased in numbers A LOT in the last few months, there are usually at least 2-3 TFU on...
  20. Dom_

    Ban Dispute (Dom) - The officer's POV
  21. Dom_

    Ban Apology (Dom_)

  22. Dom_

    Bro leave me alone i was just trying to comfort the hostage and told her everything was going to...

    Bro leave me alone i was just trying to comfort the hostage and told her everything was going to be okay!
  23. Dom_

    Warning Dispute (Valentine)

    Connect to the main server before loading up the demo, this will fix your issue.
  24. Dom_

    Sounds about right.

    Sounds about right.
  25. Dom_


    Editting cool, frags dog.
  26. Dom_

    Ban Apology (Dom)

    Lowered to one week, thank @Collier
  27. Dom_

    Ban Apology (Dom)

    Being on your phone is no excuse and I have a hard time believing this was an accident given the situation. Reviewed with @Bnej
  28. Dom_

    Congrats mr new cup

    Congrats mr new cup
  29. Dom_

    Edit put together

    W Ghost clips