Search results

  1. Dom_

    Refund Request (LewLAD)

  2. Dom_

    Funny moments

    Nah I paid him off years ago.
  3. Dom_

    Funny moments

    I thought he was joking.
  4. Dom_

    Map Suggestion Make Bannister's penetrable

    No the issue is that they're bulletproof. Either they need removing completely or they need to be made penetrable
  5. Dom_

    Map Suggestion Make Bannister's penetrable

  6. Dom_

    Map Suggestion Make Bannister's penetrable

    Suggestion Title: Make Bannister's penetrable Suggestion Description: Make the bannister's in slums and projex penetrable Why should this be added?: - It's unrealistic having them just block mags worth of 7.62 ammo. - It's incredibly annoying when you hs someone but the bannister blocks the...
  7. Dom_

    Ban Apology (Dom_)

    Reduced to 3 days.
  8. Dom_

    Refund Request (Chopper)

    1 x AK 101 1x Rifle Comp 1x Red dot sight 1 x Full AK 101 Magazine
  9. Dom_

    Refund Request (Dehmon)

    5 x AK-101 - Not including stocks or mags.
  10. Dom_

    Refund Request (HarDrug)

  11. Dom_

    Action Request (Neatlez)

    User will receive a short ban
  12. Dom_

    Ban Dispute (curak)

    You clearly saw the gun, yet you turned around and pulled your gun. Reviewed with @Bnej @doge @Ultimate
  13. Dom_

    Ban Apology (Dom_)

    Reviewed with @Collier
  14. Dom_

    Refund Request (Google Chrome)

    @Google Chrome
  15. Dom_

    Refund Request (Seke)

  16. Dom_

    Action Request (joker21902B)

    When at gunpoint you must comply without stalling in order to value your life realistically User will receive a 2 day ban.
  17. Dom_

    Goodbye for now

  18. Dom_

    Ban Apology (Ellie)

    The length of your ban is not up for dispute, if you feel as though your ban LENGTH is unjustified a staff complaint must be made.
  19. Dom_

    Action Request (Reqikz)

    User will receive a short ban.
  20. Dom_


    The production costs of this video were purely spent on LSD and Shrooms for the creativity motivation.
  21. Dom_

    Ban Apology (Dom)

    Reviewed with @SamSN
  22. Dom_

    What is this

    What is this
  23. Dom_

    Ban Dispute (maia)

    It's clear that you're trying to loophole the rule in question which is not tolerated and due to your previous homophobia which you were spoken to about it is clear what was intended by "faggio sport". Reviewed with @Exnem @Valentine @A1L
  24. Dom_

    There was no emergency I just wanted to raid the bank :0

    There was no emergency I just wanted to raid the bank :0
  25. Dom_

    Action Request (Marcus ;))

    There is no evidence to suggest that this was intentional.
  26. Dom_

    Action Request (CRAZYDOG130)

    User will receive a warning.
  27. Dom_


  28. Dom_

    Perpheads Shootout comp3

    I've never seen someone kill so many people with melee weapons in one montage, very unique footage, great watch!