Search results

  1. Collier

    Ban Dispute (Headline)

    He never died, no NLR was broken. Returning stolen property is not a mugging, as he isn't actually taking any of your own items, he is only taking what belonged to him. This means 5.1 does not apply. Only 29 minutes passed between you taking his money and him killing you. The rules allow you...
  2. Collier

    Ban Dispute (Headline)

    What rule was he breaking?
  3. Collier

    Ban Dispute (Headline)

    And why didn't you?
  4. Collier

    Ban Dispute (Headline)

    That's not what the ban reason says, it expressly mentioned that you failed to return the money at gunpoint. As in, you failed to comply with an order at gunpoint. This is expressly prohibited by rule 3.4. If that is not the case, please let us know
  5. Collier

    you're just jealous of what @cummy glizzy gobbler and I have

    you're just jealous of what @cummy glizzy gobbler and I have
  6. Collier

    tonight's the night

    tonight's the night
  7. Collier

    Unmatched shitposter, so much better than [REDACTED]. No Brazilians beating you...

    Unmatched shitposter, so much better than [REDACTED]. No Brazilians beating you...
  8. Collier


  9. Collier

    who the FUCK do you think you are slandering me like that

    who the FUCK do you think you are slandering me like that
  10. Collier

    RTU Usage of Cars (excluding mercedes)

    I literally always do prisoner transport when I am in the BMW because none of these other pricks do
  11. Collier

    RTU Usage of Cars (excluding mercedes)

    I voted others because I reject the idea that we should be excluding the Mercedes as it gives me an excuse to be antisocial
  12. Collier


  13. Collier


    I suspect there is a slight misunderstanding by how you formulated the following: The 3D models used in R6 and CS are not the same as the models we use on PERPHeads, which also means the UV map will be drastically different. What this means in layman's terms is that the areas of the textures...
  14. Collier

    Favourite Pistol and Why ?

  15. Collier

    How did you find Perpheads and when?

    August 2014, my friend Simon whom I was in a CS team/friend group with asked me and a bunch of others to come on. His shitty GMC pickup truck couldn't fit us all at the time, so after a short bout of metagaming, we all assembled in the back of his truck before he drove us to his apartment to...
  16. Collier

    Rule Suggestion (3.4 Putting your Life at Risk)

    I'm confused, the current rules only force you to surrender when you are ordered to at gunpoint, what are you suggesting exactly?
  17. Collier


    You can also just type !steamid in chat in-game to get your SteamID sent straight to your clipboard
  18. Collier

    Refund Request (6tens)

    @Baba Won @ZBM @Trix Please make your own threads so we can track who needs what and what has been completed. Also please specify if the weapon had attachments
  19. Collier


  20. Collier


  21. Collier

    Bug Report (So in all the time i have ever been playing perp i always have only had to use ALT to sprint with and never ever used shift until today, I

    For all you psychos who rely on ALT for even your running tasks, there is a workaround: alias "+sprint" "+walk; +speed" alias "-sprint" "-walk; -speed" bind "alt" "+sprint" You can type the above line by line into your console, but this will probably not save. You can put this in your...
  22. Collier

    But yeah, you still swap to shift, which is what I do, who the fuck relies on alt for...

    But yeah, you still swap to shift, which is what I do, who the fuck relies on alt for everything? That's psychotic
  23. Collier

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    You have repeatedly shown characteristics of a vindictive, vengeful person with an almost pathological need to make everyone else's experience worse. You would routinely mug and target sweaters and become incredibly rageful at even the slightest inconvenience. You MassRDM'd, joined the shoutbox...
  24. Collier

    Ban Apology (moon)

    Hello, I am the one who extended your ban. There is not a chance that you genuinely believed that door was meant to be invisible, because why on earth would a door be invisible? You claim you'd never intentionally abuse a glitch to gain the upper hand, but that is exactly what you did. You shot...
  25. Collier

    Rule Clarification: 3.11

    This only applies to planters, not dropped drugs. I am not really sure what benefit dropping drug packets somewhere inaccessible would serve. This is not to say that you can drop your illegals and box them in with props if you get raided though.
  26. Collier


  27. Collier

    Major Rule Changes - 06/02/2025

    In case you missed it, you can find a copy of the legacy rules as well. It's not formatted very well, and is only for archiving/referencing purposes for existing punishments.
  28. Collier

    Major Rule Changes - 06/02/2025

    Hello everyone, Although the rules are regularly reviewed as part of admin meetings, it has been recognised on many occasions that the rules have become excessively long. As such a comprehensive re-structuring and re-writing of the rules was undertaken by myself and @Acerius, whom I thank for...
  29. Collier

    Legacy Rules (06/02/2025)

    The Rules Last updated: 29/01/2025 Contained within this document are the rules of this game server and community; these rules are subject to an administrator’s discretion and will be upheld to the full extent and power of their duty. If an administrator believes you have broken a rule or...