Search results

  1. Baba Won

    Action Request (John Ojeda: Ligma ///Pen Liza: Admins didn't find it (Helper))

    No. You are not allowed to gp someone into a house as rule 5.1 states Players may not be forced to move out of public view under gunpoint prior to the mugging. Kidnapping is allowed but not for the reason you did.Kidnapping another player whilst visible from outside a muggable zone with the...
  2. Baba Won

    Action Request (John Ojeda: Ligma ///Pen Liza: Admins didn't find it (Helper))

    Your Steam Name: Baba Won Your Roleplay Name: Baba Won Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:124402073 Player's Steam Name: John Ojeda: Ligma ///Pen Liza: 360N0SCOPEM8REKT Player's Roleplay Name: //John Ojeda// And //Pen Liza// Player's SteamID: John Ojeda: STEAM_0:1:551197463 Pen Liza:STEAM_0:0:78982092...
  3. Baba Won

    Server Suggestion Banking app

    Suggestion Title: Banking app Suggestion Description: The banking app is in need of an update, not a big one tho. What better way than to implement a SAVINGS ACCOUNT? as in Personal Bank<Orginisation bank < Savings bank. You will be able to put money in it as a regular banking account. But only...
  4. Baba Won

    Bug Report (You can sprint while surrendered)

    Type of Bug: Map Description of the Bug: You can sprint while surrendered How to reproduce the Bug: How to: 1. Your hands are up, oh no! 2. While the hands are up and you're close to a storage. The storage is then opened while surrendered and you pull a gun out, (anything that gives the...
  5. Baba Won

    Only reason i tax high was because omar made me do it cause i wanted to go to sleep

    Only reason i tax high was because omar made me do it cause i wanted to go to sleep
  6. Baba Won

    Ich liebe dich

    Ich liebe dich
  7. Baba Won

    Send me that shit

    Send me that shit
  8. Baba Won

    6am currently i woke up at 4am and rewatched @Kevko ’s shitpost of 7 minutes, best thing ive...

    6am currently i woke up at 4am and rewatched @Kevko ’s shitpost of 7 minutes, best thing ive seen from perpheads videos so far fr
  9. Baba Won

    Ayo i can post forums without having too reply to shit now? Thats amazing

    Ayo i can post forums without having too reply to shit now? Thats amazing
  10. Baba Won

    Kevko's PerpHead Shenanigans #1

    Love this video, we NEED more of this