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  1. Exnem

    CS GO source 2, GMOD source 2 is being developed?

    They're removing tickrate.
  2. Exnem

    i was also called exemn

    i was also called exemn
  3. Exnem

    Police Suggestion 911 calls create an incident

    It should only create an incident if the call was accepted, and the officer that takes the call will be automatically assigned to it.
  4. Exnem

    Ban Dispute (KeiwaM)

    Disable all other addons except for perp ones and connect to the server before loading your demo. It doesn't matter if you're banned, you can connect to load the content and then load the demo. Provide the footage from there, as your word will not yield any results alone.
  5. Exnem

    This'll be you in the window in a minute. [IMG] It's a marvel you found my profile at all...

    This'll be you in the window in a minute. It's a marvel you found my profile at all seeing as you don't even know how to use links :dead:
  6. Exnem

    Action Request (Penny Traitor)

    On request.
  7. Exnem


    Like SamSN said, all of this is already implemented minus the vehicle price control. The mayor is a politician, not a car dealership salesman/manager. I don't think you'll see this particular change being implemented, ever, at any level. Not to mention, the dealership is an independent entity...
  8. Exnem

    Lua Bug Report (I can't connect to the server)

    connect You do not need the port at the end to connect.
  9. Exnem

    linking new discord to steam

    If you're still around, do as Goonsberg said. Contact an Administrator via direct message. You can view a list of staff members here, from which point you can open their profile to create a PM with them. Anyone that isn't an Owner, Helper, Enforcer, Moderator or Senior Moderator (and developer...
  10. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Have a key to cancel crafting

    Can't we just have it automatically bound to C? If you want to do an act, you have to cancel crafting anyway. C should cancel active tasks, not just crafting but also bobby-pinning/crowbarring doors at the cost of breaking or dropping the item for no gain. (I have been caught with my pants down...
  11. Exnem

    Lua Bug Report (Billboards)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Billboards How to reproduce the Bug: Bomb the billboards, they'll stay in place but an invisible version of it drops to the ground and becomes an obstruction for vehicles and pedestrians.
  12. Exnem

    Ban Apology (Exnem)

    I've reduced the length of your ban to 6 months.
  13. Exnem

    Ban Apology (Exnem)

    You just got banned. Given how you refused my advice and simply kicked me from the discord, you were not at all interested in complying. Feel free to make a dispute.
  14. Exnem

    Ban Apology (Exnem)

    I didn't notice your appeal in time, so your ban has already expired. But I accept your apology regardless. I appreciate the reflection on your ban and understanding of what to do moving forward.
  15. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Remote explosives expode when you hang up

    Place a red light/sprite on the bomb when it is active/armed. When triggered to explode, use the default call sequence which will give a final warning that it's about to explode, just like how it works now.
  16. Exnem

    Server Suggestion Remote explosives expode when you hang up

    If this were to be implemented, there should be a way back from the edge. T (phone close key) will always detonate the explosive. Z (hangup call) will cancel the process and disarm the explosive. Death will detonate the explosive like a dead-man's switch as long as you are on the call.
  17. Exnem

    Server Suggestion PD Access to shooting range

    If a cop prioritizes spending time in the shooting range over responding to ongoing situations, they'll just be blacklisted/demoted the same way cops who prioritize watching TV or standing around in casino do.
  18. Exnem

    Selling holiday candy cane

    it's actually a very generous offer. so much so that i will raise to 50k.
  19. Exnem

    Community Spotlight - February 2023

    absolutely keep it. only problem is viewing the videos on mobile if in portrait mode. landscape is probably fine but i haven't tested.
  20. Exnem

    Community Spotlight - February 2023

    This new format is a straight up winner.
  21. Exnem

    Map Suggestion Business shops lighting

    This would require them to bake the lightmap multiple times when compiling the map, increasing compile time. Unless they decide to add lights in code for purchased shops, and leave the business shops map default - dark and gloomy, when they're unowned. Baked lighting is far more performance...
  22. Exnem

    how does shooting and accuracy work

    That's just accuracy for you. Bullets generally have a deviation circle if hip-fired or after having recently moved whilst shooting, or aiming while shooting. Most guns' ironsights has the top of the ironsight as the center where the bullet will generally land. If you line the top of the irons...
  23. Exnem

    how does shooting and accuracy work

    bullets are hitscan afaik, so always where it's aimed.
  24. Exnem

    Lets talk about Community Managers.

    And what is this new view? What do people want? You can't say this and expect anything to change. Vagueness is not the answer. If you're going to state something like this, at least provide some sort of referral. This can simply be resolved by changing their permissions. On that same topic...
  25. Exnem

    Discord ban

    For your information, I was the one who banned you from the discord. Second of all, you posted war footage that not only shows real combat footage, but that same video shows a man dying in combat, plain to see. Do you understand how irresponsible that is? You might have found that funny, but...
  26. Exnem

    Demo is showing errors.

    1- Disable all other addons. 2- Enable Perpheads Content Pack 1, 2, 3 and Paralake_city_v5. 3- Restart your game 4- Join the main server 5- Load the demo If all else fails, uninstall all addons, then subscribe only to the perp content, then repeat steps 5 and 6. Lencz has already linked my...
  27. Exnem

    Who likes flying

    Yes, but only been on a plane twice. Never sick, it's pretty cool.
  28. Exnem

    hicktown republican army attacks coming

    You got your guns from the city.
  29. Exnem

    Map Bug Report (Major gap in door at business shop 5.)

  30. Exnem

    Map Bug Report (Major gap in door at business shop 5.)

    Type of Bug: Map Description of the Bug: Major gap in door at business shop 5. How to reproduce the Bug: Go to coordinates: -13511.07 -10133.66 383.72 Media: