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  1. torbizzle

    Whats the worst thing you have done irl

    I destroyed my favourite car toy when I was like 6 after getting angry at my mom, balled my eyes out for the next few hours because of it
  2. torbizzle

    Rule Suggestion (3.3 Realistic Actions)

    you don't ragdoll when you jump down, meaning you don't take damage. So essentially by jumping down, you might try and argue you were abiding by 3.6 by doing everything to stay alive Without being able to jump down/balancing on the railing whilst crowbarring, S4/P4 would be impossible to raid...
  3. torbizzle

    Big Bananatage (Perptage 8)

    he has to turn it down so you cant hear the discord voices
  4. torbizzle

    Big Bananatage (Perptage 8)

  5. torbizzle

    TRIANGLE | steelo

    they thought they cooked with that wooden fence 1:06
  6. torbizzle

    O'Neil & CO

    ask @DB KILLER...
  7. torbizzle

    not A Stechted Montage

    no credits? gg
  8. torbizzle

    Cop main giveaway!
  9. torbizzle

    Perpheads Comming DOWN to The riptide

    next montage in 32 hours bro is gonna be giving credits to half the server
  10. torbizzle

    Hi I'm new player

    welcome to hell
  11. torbizzle

    Tony Reggitoni

    the only former pistol cop who wasn't body-blocking tfu to the best of his ability
  12. torbizzle

    Have you been a targeted individual?

    peak schizo shenanigans
  13. torbizzle

    Post your setup

    headset mics for life
  14. torbizzle

    Perpheads Montage Best one

    how have you made 3 montages in 5 days
  15. torbizzle

    Staff issue

    such a zerg
  16. torbizzle

    Map Suggestion Lower the wooden wall in the backyard of subs 3

    Suggestion Title: Lower the wooden wall in the backyard of subs 3 Suggestion Description: As it stands right now if you're splinted there's no way to get over the wooden wall at subs house 3, making you stuck forever unless you're able to crowbar into subs 3 (which wouldn't be possible if the...
  17. torbizzle

    O'Neil & CO

    DB as head of rehab, gg
  18. torbizzle

    Perpheads V6 Expectations

    old pd skins were crazy
  19. torbizzle


    grow drugs, raid ppl there's a shitton of guides if you hit F1 in-game or go here
  20. torbizzle

    Police Suggestion Give SGT.+access to mossberg 590 in patrol gear

    I'd prefer luger all day over sg550
  21. torbizzle

    Permabanned giveaway

    Torben Hans Miss being able to call you at any point of the day to have you flank PD
  22. torbizzle

    What is your personal least favorite rule you think is dumb?

    3.3, fuck that shit cant crowbar s4/p4 then jump down without it being "unrealistic"
  23. torbizzle


    you forgot to include your bank account number: 8279207
  24. torbizzle

    Combine Gunship

  25. torbizzle

    Hello folks.

    hello gamer
  26. torbizzle

    Best Perpheads Video Ever!!!

    3:38 @walnash throwing as per usual
  27. torbizzle


    certified 42 inch tv gamer
  28. torbizzle

    Community Suggestion Auto-sell unused properties in a certain timeframe.

    yes, but what about properties such as parker & glassco? something such as what you're suggesting is very easy to forget in the start
  29. torbizzle

    Community Suggestion Auto-sell unused properties in a certain timeframe.

    30 minutes is nowhere near enough, cocaine takes 36-38 minutes to get to ready & 46-50 minutes to get to seeding & people usually just afk powergrow. Also what if the property is in use by people with keys but not specifically the property owner himself? I can recall a few instances where my...
  30. torbizzle


    welcome gamer