Patrol and Traffic use unmarked vehicles for different purposes respectively. I don't see why we should have to fight over 1 slot when we can be using them for separate strategies. Two unmarked vehicles in a large fleet of marked vehicles will not significantly impact the criminal population and...
Purely with regards to the traffic gear being taken from patrol SGTs, you can apply for traffic and have access to this kit. It isn’t the same as saying give patrol flashings for example but the gear is still somewhat niche in that it’s what you would primarily expect a traffic officer to be...
In the same vein as some other ideas posted here, I had also been thinking about this. What if Patrol Supervisors were given access to a rifle but its usage was scrutinised with a policy much similar to the old remington policy in that it must be stored in a car when not actively being used and...
Suggestion Title: Traffic Gear Suggestions
Suggestion Description: I have two changes I pose for Traffic Gear; I think there should be an easier way to gear down from traffic gear (given that we have less armour) and I think the playermodel design should be different for traffic gear. I pose...
I don't think we would need a temporary tone change if we can do that easily with one button, I would honestly rather we keep either C or ALT (depends on which one changes tones) to then be the bullhorn
Suggestion Title: Siren Changes
Suggestion Description: I think it would be good if we had more sirens and a different way to use them. The way I would propose it work is when you press Q you toggle your siren on and it will activate the traditional "wail" sound. Instead of holding down ALT to...
Second this. I’d go as far as saying we should remove the law as it existing within the penal code implies that “sexual offences” would be dealt with in roleplay by the police when in reality 99.9% of the time they’ll land you with some sort of ban.