Search results

  1. flugs

    congrats :)

    congrats :)
  2. flugs

    sorry swifter

    sorry swifter
  3. flugs

    from @FunnyLooking

    We lost Swifter?! But his overt passion for a certain mainstream musical artist in this community was so original and his inspired username was really creative.....
  4. flugs

    Ban Dispute (Erwin)

  5. flugs

    Action Request (No idea sorry)

  6. flugs

    of course not @Spoon :( you may be ashamed but keep me out of your four-legged fantasies @Megasaw

    of course not @Spoon :( you may be ashamed but keep me out of your four-legged fantasies @Megasaw
  7. flugs

    Action Request (Wiktah)

    Feel free to create a refund request for the damages.
  8. flugs

    how do you come up with this shit money, first lying about me noclipping to casino and now this

    how do you come up with this shit money, first lying about me noclipping to casino and now this
  9. flugs

    weheyy i didn't even see this, congrats man!

    weheyy i didn't even see this, congrats man!
  10. flugs

    Ban Dispute (Erwin)

    Your recent record stinks, especially for job related behaviour, and every ban is proportionate to your actions and clearly poor attitude. Please can you conduct yourself professionally during this process and avoid petty rants that do nothing to assist us or yourself. @Erwin and now @Oddy have...
  11. flugs

    Ban Dispute (Auston)

    You most definitely did give information from a previous life discussing in detail how you attempted to raid a property and died. This information no doubt aided your partner in crime in his raid on this same property. You have quite blatantly lied in saying that you didn't know he was raiding...
  12. flugs

    [IMG] [IMG] 'nuff said really

    'nuff said really
  13. flugs

    finally some peace and quiet

    finally some peace and quiet
  14. flugs

    [ATTACH] congrats ;)

    congrats ;)
  15. flugs

    Ban Dispute (Erwin)

    Your ban was extended because another situation was reported to the staff member who banned you. It has been provided in your ban reason: The medic had also ran over an armed suspect during a shootout earlier. The atrocious attitude that has been demonstrated within your dispute also likely...
  16. flugs

    Action Request (Wiktah)

    I have added the player on Steam, they will have 24 hours to accept.
  17. flugs

    Ban Dispute (Auston)

    If you have any problems concerning @Auston's performance then you can express them in a staff complaint.
  18. flugs

    Things you can say in shootouts that you can also say in bed.

    I got a good chuckle out of it, only took 4 years. Congrats Max you won!!
  19. flugs

    Ban Apology (@flugs)

    It's been just under 3 weeks, you have not matured in that time...
  20. flugs

    Ban Apology (flugs)

    Thank you for understanding your ban, unfortunately it will not be reduced.
  21. flugs

    Ban Dispute (flugs)
  22. flugs

    Disposable vapes to be banned

    the sticky air cover thingys that get peeled off from the bottom
  23. flugs

    Ban Apology (flugs)

    You made the conscious decision to get in that car and help them hunt the person who killed you, telling them who he was and what he looked like. You knew at least one of your friends were armed and were fine with them chasing the target. Don't try and deflect blame here.
  24. flugs

    Ban Apology (@flugs)

  25. flugs

    What do you play while on Vacation (banned)?

    don’t be stupid mate
  26. flugs

    What do you play while on Vacation (banned)?

    skyrim. when i became edgy in 2021 and got banned (it was a phase) i pretty much got every achievement in the game. once you start that’s no stopping, i 100%ed it i think last year..
  27. flugs

    Ban Dispute (Megasaw)

    We have looked at your point of view and can quite clearly see that your assailant was carrying a weapon. Refer to this screenshot. We realise that this was close but you should still have been aware that you were under gunpoint thus meaning that whether or not you have heard verbal commands at...
  28. flugs

    you fuckin wish max

    you fuckin wish max
  29. flugs

    Ban Dispute (Bnjeman)

    Try again, this time with a bit of respect yeah?