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  1. Chadd Ross

    1 mil

    1 mil
  2. Chadd Ross


  3. Chadd Ross

    !!!!!!1 MILL GIVEAWAY!!!!!!

    I'm giving away 1 mill in-game cash as I'm leaving The winner of this quiz will get the money < ----------------- QUIZ Whoever has the highest score by Friday gets the money good luck all! EDIT : You can submit more than once ,just put how many times...
  4. Chadd Ross


    l8ters I'm moving on to Altis life ... I got bored of perp late last year .. every time I logged on it was the same thing over and over. It's kinda just devolved into this mess of annoying power growing orgs and salty plpd members. This is my immediate resignation from all plpd activities...
  5. Chadd Ross


    "Great" Org
  6. Chadd Ross

    Post your memes here

    Some of my fav memes of last year [/SPOILER][/SPOILER] Ofc @Exrobite
  7. Chadd Ross

    Raiding slums 3 with 1911 :O

    I take my hat off to you ...
  8. Chadd Ross

    ty ty

    ty ty
  9. Chadd Ross

    Any games

    @Vincent Jenkins absolutely amazing games loved every single hour BEST GAME ON THIS LIST
  10. Chadd Ross


    ONLY FOR A WHILE (8 clickbait 9 me) As a lot of you have probably noticed my activity on perp has been slowly going down till it ground to a halt about a 1 week ago . So I have officially decided that I'm taking a break from perp .I WILL be returning after the holidays so don't you worry ...
  11. Chadd Ross

    Need your help

    Possibly the most chill remix ever
  12. Chadd Ross

    Temporary leave.

    How do you want to be paid PayPal or wired
  13. Chadd Ross doggo is great doggo is great
  14. Chadd Ross

    Congrats dude

    Congrats dude
  15. Chadd Ross

    [SOLVED]Section 8 laws

    8.1 Possession of Restricted Substances with Intent to Use You are intending to use it for yourself 8.2 Possession of Restricted Substances with Intent to Supply Give the substance to others 8.3 Possession of Restricted Substances with Intent to Produce To make your own eg; u have some seeds 8.4...
  16. Chadd Ross

    Online Movies

    virgin has now blocked 123movies which sucks and now I have no source of getting free films ... does anyone have any other good sites to use?
  17. Chadd Ross

    Favourite Weapon ingame?

    Old faithful killing cops since V2
  18. Chadd Ross

    Favourite Car ingame?

    It was this sexy beast till everyone got one Then it went to this
  19. Chadd Ross

    All time favourite video game?

    My favourite game of all time has to be sonic heroes on the ps2 IF have played the game that video is going to give you some major flashbacks!
  20. Chadd Ross

    Congrats on mod !

    Congrats on mod !
  21. Chadd Ross

    Replacing The Police Shotgun

    Main idea: Replacing the police Shotgun [Remington] Description: As everyone is aware the Remington isn't good at anything . It has no long range capabilities and horrifically bad short range as well.The practical applications for this weapon really don't make up for all the disabilities that...
  22. Chadd Ross

    Happy bday u slap head :D

    Happy bday u slap head :D
  23. Chadd Ross

    EZ birthday money time to empty it on G2A codes( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    EZ birthday money time to empty it on G2A codes( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  24. Chadd Ross

    what is your favorite car brand?

    Maserati's are amazing
  25. Chadd Ross

    PERPheads Community Awards 2016: Category Suggestions

    The least triggered vegan award goes to @Renfield ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  26. Chadd Ross

    Need new mouse...

    Quite a nice mouse has adjustable weights as well as an adjustable palm thingy
  27. Chadd Ross

    Made a dumb lelios meme

    While making a response to strobez's enforcer app I got bored and decided to go a bit overboard and make this shitty meme
  28. Chadd Ross

    " Downloading maps/graphs.rp_paralake_city_v3.aim" Issue? HELP PLEASE

    Have you tried downloading the content pack ? If not look at the top of the forums you will find a tab called content , This will take you directly to the steam workshop collection that will allow you to download the server's content . if you still don't get results try waiting a little longer...
  29. Chadd Ross

    Bean Can gets salted

    Just a clip that I found from my fraps dump @Bean Can
  30. Chadd Ross

    [SOLVED] Police Car Glitch

    If you have reconnected and the cars are still the same make sure that you game has at least high model settings and if you still don't get results try to re-download the content .