Swat wasn't even that fucking bad it was just the communication wasn't there at all.Thats why they lost raids and were complaining.I just find it interesting if lets say walker feng etc all went swat they were able to win with bases that had 10-15 people inside.Tfu got added cause of people...
Tfu's 1 of the reasons that killed the fun for me they are hiding in appartements such as projex like they live their themselves standing afk watching netflix or idk what waiting for someone to be raided to insta kill the raiders n shit.Pd's a 16 man swat team with the same weps as before with...
Me and like 8 or so other people ones went to a party but the party was shit so we decided to go to a nightshop buy a shitload of beer n shit and we just sat on the beach for the entire night at around 1 am the cops were patrolling and they saw us sitting but this one faggot got himself a...
Perp's just Cops and Robbers who raid other robbers trying to make cash to me now tbh.Yes Passive RP has always been was never affective or anything but just the statisfaction of people actually wanting to involve in your roleplay is amazing thats why people used to do it like @Archibald...
I would tell nobody so no one knows and live a normal last day with friends and family like nothings wrong so i can die in peace. Ones im home i'd make a thank you note and writing what im giving to the people of my belongings. That would be a nice way to die.
OOC Information
Steam name: Cardstarvipe
Age: 15
IC Information
Name: Philip Wood
Firearms level: 114
Rifle Marksmanship: 72
Cars currently owned: Gmc Vendura,Mini Cooper,Mazda Rx-7 (i aint about that fancy super car life)
@Hondje! Is a really good officer.The way how he execute's some difficult RP situations is just excellent. He's a calm person and approaches it very well. He's a strategic thinker and i like that about him. Deserves a promotion since i only think hes a senior atm.
Maybe make it so all the people that are banned are not banned on this server if it gets added cuz otherwise it wont be populated like the main server is becoming.
Bassicly het enigste waar ik naar toe luister maar aleen die genre drum & bass of bassline zoals dit https://soundcloud.com/thomascanning/sit-down-loto