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  1. cardstarvipe

    Balling since a baby they could see it in my eyes

    Balling since a baby they could see it in my eyes
  2. cardstarvipe

    Happy bday hope u past maths xD

    Happy bday hope u past maths xD
  3. cardstarvipe

    Happy bday laurens

    Happy bday laurens
  4. cardstarvipe

    Happy bday bro

    Happy bday bro
  5. cardstarvipe

    Troll Apps

    I personally think people need to stop bitching about shit like this.
  6. cardstarvipe

    Giveaway by daddy.

    Name: Cardstarvipe Steam_Id: STEAM_0:1:82479983 Social security number(optional): To young to have that shit I want: Black mesa Why: It has black in it wich reminds me of BBC wich i like and i'd like to play the game cuz got no life and perp's gone to shit with these aids bans. Autism lvl...
  7. cardstarvipe

    My Encounter Today

    Talk shit get banged. If u start shit talking people and they shit talk back dont be crying about it. I understand its annoying hence why its called "shittalking" Gmod's a game with a very toxic player base so i dont see how u didn't expect this to happen But thanks anyway for the info bud.
  8. cardstarvipe

    Rising Storm is free today
  9. cardstarvipe

    Changing rule 1.0

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Changing rule 1.0 Full description of the idea: Rule 1.0 currently states this "These rules will be enforced at all times, including instances where a user is communicating with someone who is not...
  10. cardstarvipe

    Ermaks Montage 3

    Watching you play rainbow makes me want to uninstall so im sure i will never land in a game with you.
  11. cardstarvipe

    Old School Mafia

    1 boss down 1 more to go
  12. cardstarvipe

    The Alikovskaya Bratva - Applications

    Your in-game name: James Mcnuggets Your playtime on the server: 4-5 months Firearms level: 132 Your age (OOC): 42 Your car: Lambo Diablo Short explanation why do you want to join: Cuz u guy look really gud. I need organization for alot of drag money cuz i want new lambo the diablo is very...
  13. cardstarvipe

    Goodbye Jordan Ireland

    Ever thought on growing in the woods? Thats what i used to do to get some dosh. If your that desperate to get some money
  14. cardstarvipe


  15. cardstarvipe

    "How could i make sense when i got millions on my mind"

    "How could i make sense when i got millions on my mind"
  16. cardstarvipe

    Acording to my calculations you must be a sad guy because you waste your time to look at people...

    Acording to my calculations you must be a sad guy because you waste your time to look at people their rating activities!
  17. cardstarvipe

    What are you inspector gadget?

    What are you inspector gadget?
  18. cardstarvipe

    How come?

    How come?
  19. cardstarvipe

    Changing 1.0 Basic Conduct Rules

    Main Idea: Changing rule 1.0 Full description of the idea: Rule 1.0 currently states this "These rules will be enforced at all times, including instances where a user is communicating with someone who is not a part of this community;" wich i find a little bit over the top as it bassicly means u...
  20. cardstarvipe

    what u on about

    what u on about
  21. cardstarvipe

    gud car nearly got me banned cuz i stole it 12/10

    gud car nearly got me banned cuz i stole it 12/10
  22. cardstarvipe


    Been apart of the community for a while so why not
  23. cardstarvipe

    Happy bday dickhead

    Happy bday dickhead
  24. cardstarvipe

    When are you going to start the v4 streams because it was going to be in may and its may

    When are you going to start the v4 streams because it was going to be in may and its may
  25. cardstarvipe

    Happy bday

    Happy bday
  26. cardstarvipe

    Open Discussion: Summer Tournament(s)

    Rainbow six seige or rocket league Csgo's overrated
  27. cardstarvipe

    It was great for the time it lasted

    It was great for the time it lasted
  28. cardstarvipe

    Favourite Youtuber -Faze Jev -H3H3Productions -David Dobrik -Sebastian Keep (nice bmx...
  29. cardstarvipe

    Happy bday ermak

    Happy bday ermak
  30. cardstarvipe

    Need help!!

    i think most of us have a relationship with either our left or right hand or even both so i dont think this is the right place to ask such a question