Search results

  1. fuck man I just wanna send funny slack messages again

    fuck man I just wanna send funny slack messages again
  2. only for helper it only goes downhill from there

    only for helper it only goes downhill from there
  3. *rates old* When are u submitting ur helper application?

    *rates old* When are u submitting ur helper application?
  4. Server Suggestion Indicators automatically switch off after making a turn

    how am I supposed to do my american role play if I can’t leave my indicators on constantly, sounds like rubbish Though I kinda like the click on for 3 seconds, maybe double click / hold to turn on indefinitely?
  5. Madda And Prepper

    no way I missed this
  6. Model Suggestion Change the fuel pump models Accepted but in the denied section?? @Liano925 i pray you succeed with this suggestion
  7. congrats!

  8. Map Suggestion Remove Red Cross from Hospital sign

    Hmmm, as an American I have the right to freedom, and I think the “red cross” should remain… also thanks @Exnem
  9. happy birthday mate, crazy it's my friend azerd's birthday today too

    happy birthday mate, crazy it's my friend azerd's birthday today too
  10. Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

    An alternative solution is allowing police (and potentially other government workers?) the ability to spawn their vehicles at the city garage. Honestly I could’ve sworn you used to be able to do this a long long time ago but it would at least allow Police to respond to other situations.
  11. Gefeliciteerd! Happy Birthday :))!

    Gefeliciteerd! Happy Birthday :))!
  12. Oh my god this is the best congrats

    Oh my god this is the best congrats
  13. happy birthday :) Miss you!

    happy birthday :) Miss you!
  14. Update Log 21/02/2023

    oh that mustache.. its so american thanks @Jyrgen
  15. happy birthday! If you need help...

    happy birthday! If you need help...
  16. Congrats! now you are old

    Congrats! now you are old
  17. congrats!

  18. wtf man

    wtf man
  19. At least ur still purple congrats!

    At least ur still purple congrats!
  20. What do you truly regret doing?

    rp'ing as a lil elf guy :sorry:
  21. happy birthday

    happy birthday
  22. wait we have the same birthday

    wait we have the same birthday
  23. thanks mate u really are the best admin

    thanks mate u really are the best admin
  24. heyyy

  25. No way

    No way
  26. Show off your Minecraft world!

    fucking knew some shit like this was coming you just can’t help but suck ur own dick This guy built this shit in like a day and a fully furnished base on a 250+ mod world. “10 million teragiga joules in the tesseract downstairs but make sure u turn off the forcefield” idek what he’s talking...
  27. ur prof views is private anyways bitch stfu

    ur prof views is private anyways bitch stfu
  28. John Redheart's new rap

    This is like Aaron Davidson but at least he dropped some fat bars in his diss track :banghead::facepalm:
  29. Nice blue duck when they gonna finish that Also nice mod ;^) Wb nice cat who has nice cat

    Nice blue duck when they gonna finish that Also nice mod ;^) Wb nice cat who has nice cat
  30. :muted::lurking::eggonface:
