Search results

  1. SamSN

    Ban Apology (3izu)

  2. SamSN

    Ban Apology (Ellie)

  3. SamSN

    Ban Dispute (Sean)

    Why is the part where he's supposedly speaking danish missing from the recording you provided?
  4. SamSN

    Ban Apology (ellie)

    Your ban has expired.
  5. SamSN

    Ban Dispute (Franko)

    Please reply to @3izu's question in the next 48 hours or this dispute will be closed.
  6. SamSN

    Warning Dispute (3izu)

    You are in fact not far away enough to not be at risk of both intentional and accidental fire, there is a cop and two medics taking cover behind the bin just in front of you and there are numerous angles in which the active shooters or potential arriving flankers could put you at risk of being...
  7. SamSN

    I got in touch with a contact at Nissan and got them to threaten to sue specifically if the...

    I got in touch with a contact at Nissan and got them to threaten to sue specifically if the micra was added. Bad suggestion, denied = deserved.
  8. SamSN

    16th, 18th and 21st birthday gifts

    So pretty much normal days for you then
  9. SamSN

    Ban Dispute (console)

  10. SamSN

    Minor Rule Changes - 11/08/2023

    I wouldn't say that telling someone to stop bitching is any form of the mentioned types of discrimination, using "bitching" to refer to someone complaining/shit-talking is a pretty common use and I can't imagine that many people using it are doing so in to intentionally be discriminatory...
  11. SamSN

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

  12. SamSN

    Sad to see you go (just thought I'd get this one in a few weeks early)

    Sad to see you go (just thought I'd get this one in a few weeks early)
  13. SamSN

    Congrats on moderator

    Congrats on moderator
  14. SamSN

    Congrats on enforcer

    Congrats on enforcer
  15. SamSN

    Share Your Computer Setup! v30

    I heard @3izu bought one of these
  16. SamSN

    Ban Apology (ellie)

    Ban has expired.
  17. SamSN

    Doesn't stand for equal rights, gg.

    Doesn't stand for equal rights, gg.
  18. SamSN

    There's a first time for everything I guess

    There's a first time for everything I guess
  19. SamSN


  20. SamSN


  21. SamSN

    ffs @curak ruined the surprise going with v6

    ffs @curak ruined the surprise going with v6
  22. SamSN

    Yeah I had to fix it what's the problem

    Yeah I had to fix it what's the problem
  23. SamSN

    The Thing Beside you Killed you

    Literally what? @AshYT Forget the thing beside me, the stress of trying to apply logic to your use of caps killed me.
  24. SamSN

    Refund Request (B.C S.W.A.T)

    Contact an administrator in-game to receive: 1x AK-101 with Red dot sight, magazine, stock
  25. SamSN

    Refund Request (roskofiz)

    Contact an administrator in-game to receive: 1x AK-101 with Red Dot Sight, Magazine, Stock.
  26. SamSN


    Not the first...
  27. SamSN

    Best tesco meal deal

    Call me @3izu but Most of the mains are good, drinks are w/e but if u pick smth other than sensations you're incorrect. @Hayden has complained that I don't get my moneys worth but who gives a fuck
  28. SamSN

    Happy birthday Mallid

    Happy birthday Mallid