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  1. Nazeer

    Ban Apology (Nazeer)

    You just got banned 2 hours ago, I also told you if you are going to make an apology then make it tomorrow.
  2. Nazeer


  3. Nazeer

    Ban Apology (Nazeer)

    Your ban will be lowered to 1 week. Further rulebreaks will result in harsher punishments and no chance of appealing.
  4. Nazeer

    Ban Dispute (dave)

    From your POV, you were only holding Police department after an Officer had just came out of there. You did do what was necessary to save roos and google chrome while they were being healed by a Medic. Reviewed with: @Oddy @Super_ @steelo
  5. Nazeer

    Action Request (FIGHTER_GOLD)

    @FIGHTER_GOLD will receive a warning for 3.4.
  6. Nazeer

    Action Request (FIGHTER_GOLD)

    @FIGHTER_GOLD Can you explain your actions in the clip provided above? You have 48 hours to respond.
  7. Nazeer

    Ban Dispute (blobvis 2.0)

    Upon request by the creator.
  8. Nazeer

    Ban Dispute (Sidd)

    Your evidence shows enough. You clearly saw the officer walking towards you with a gun pointed at you but instead you decided to get inside the vehicle in attempt to escape. 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk You did not value your life in the evidence provided. Reviewed with: @Tilin @Chase
  9. Nazeer

    TFU AS50'S

    My point is what phoondos said exactly, it doesn't matter if he had an AS50 or not. Any TFO would have been able to kill him.
  10. Nazeer

    TFU AS50'S

    The TFU on the staircase killed you... Anyone with a rifle could have killed you. I don't see TFU with AS50 is giving much an advantage as dave said. Policy states that they are not allowed to use snipers in close range, if they do then just make an IA
  11. Nazeer

    Ban Apology (Nazeer)

    It has only been a week since your ban. Wait at least half of your ban out then make an apology.
  12. Nazeer

    Ban Apology (nazeer)

    Your ban has been lowered to 3 weeks.
  13. Nazeer

    Ban Apology (Nazeer)

    You just got banned yesterday. Wait some time then make another apology then I will consider it.
  14. Nazeer

    Refund Request (Seke)

    Item(s) to be refunded: $34,400
  15. Nazeer

    Ban Apology (Nazeer)

    Be careful next time, I already explained to you everything you need to know in the report. If you have more questions then feel free to ask on discord in #help-and-support or in game (F6 > Help and support) I will give you a chance and unban you now.
  16. Nazeer

    Refund Request (HjalteSej)

    Item(s) to be refunded: 1x HK MP5K 1x 9x19mm Magazine (MP5K) 1x HK MP5K Stock Make a report in game and link this Refund request when an Administrator+ is available.
  17. Nazeer


  18. Nazeer

    Is gambling worth it?

  19. Nazeer

    Ban Apology (Nazeer)

    I will give you a chance and lower your ban to 1 day.
  20. Nazeer

    Ban Apology (Nazeer)

    Clearly you are not apologizing, but complaining about the situation. Feel free to make another apology in 48 hours and actually apologize in it OR wait for a staff member to look into your dispute as it is still up.
  21. Nazeer

    Ban Apology (Nazeer)

    You have a dispute open and just made an apology. Are you aware you still have a dispute up? This also does not feel like an apology, more like a staff complaint for the length of the punishment.
  22. Nazeer


  23. Nazeer

    Ban Apology (Nazeer)

    Wait it out.
  24. Nazeer

    Ban Apology (Nazeer)

    Is this an apology or a dispute?
  25. Nazeer

    Ban Apology (Nazeer)

    I will give you a chance and lower your ban to 1 week. Your punishment will end tomorrow Further rulebreaks will result in harsher punishments.
  26. Nazeer

    Refund Request (daZai)

    Item(s) to be returned: 1x FN SCAR-L 1x FN SCAR-L Stock 1x 5.56x45mm STANAG Magazine x30 (Loaded) 1x Red Dot Sight 1x Rifle Compensator
  27. Nazeer

    Refund Request (CaptainFF77)

    Item(s) to be returned: 1x AI AS50 1x 12.7x99mm Magazine (AI AS50) (Loaded)
  28. Nazeer

    Refund Request (dijwarmeric12)

    Item(s) to be returned: 1x AK-47 1x AK-47 Stock 1x 7.62x39mm Magazine (AK-47) (Loaded) 1x Rifle Compensator 1x Red Dot Sight
  29. Nazeer

    Refund Request (Liuflat)

    Item(s) to be returned: 1x AK-101 1x AK-101 Stock 1x Rifle Compensator 1x 5.56x45mm Magazine (AK-101) (Loaded) 1x Red Dot Sight
  30. Nazeer

    Refund Request (Locksmith)

    Item(s) to be returned: 1x FN SCAR-L 1x FN SCAR-L Stock 1x 5.56x45mm STANAG Magazine x30 (Loaded) 1x Red Dot Sight 1x Rifle Compensator