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  1. Jack Bruhross

    ASDA response!

    As you have seen many ASDA members including myself have been perm banned for exploiting, With alot of messages about what we did and what so here it is. We received files that was given out to certain people in the high ranking of perpheaders. Files we wasn't meant to gain access to, meaning...
  2. Jack Bruhross

    no weapon sway?

    I have part of sosa's and parts of creepis's. Thats even if I have it anymore. and the only content I am subbed to on garrysmod is the perpheads stuff.
  3. Jack Bruhross

    no weapon sway?

    Fuck if I know. I am currently subbed to the content from perpheads. Staff are free to check my CFG ETC if they really want to lol
  4. Jack Bruhross

    pug, dave, bojing, wagi, taakyon, quaver, klown, tmac, aloo, nate.

    how do you suck up to people so much but still get refused into there orgs its wild
  5. Jack Bruhross

    Jay is known to put people on the ropes mate you stand no chance. Even more so with hoodrats...

    Jay is known to put people on the ropes mate you stand no chance. Even more so with hoodrats backing him.
  6. Jack Bruhross

    who's the best player in perp?

    ill give you that one for free, I might just give you one of my many awards for being best aimer!
  7. Jack Bruhross


    The boys pulled up
  8. Jack Bruhross

    ASDA Academy (Accepting applications!)

    The official asda went out on a tour to Afghanistan to see what was up....
  9. Jack Bruhross

    ASDA Academy (Accepting applications!)

    he will no longer be insta raided....
  10. Jack Bruhross

    Action Request (Trippzino, taylorxxhunt)

    Your Steam Name: Jack Bruhross Your Roleplay Name: Jack Bushross Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824 Player's Steam Name: Trippzino, taylorxxhunt Player's Roleplay Name: NA, NA, Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:559677366, STEAM_0:1:716556465 Why should this player be punished?: Both users...
  11. Jack Bruhross

    Roleplay Events

    Just do gungame and gulags, Everyone will be happy and its easily done. Instead of wasting time on events that will flop and people will moan about
  12. Jack Bruhross

    Model Suggestion Courier Refresh

    If this is looked at by the devs I think my thread should also be looked at!!! Some of the ideas would go really well hand in hand!
  13. Jack Bruhross

    Need game recommendations

  14. Jack Bruhross

    Refund Request (Jack Bruhross)

    Your Steam Name: Jack Bruhross Your Roleplay Name: Jack Bushross Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824 Reason for Request: I lost my gun due to a nlring cop who insta took my weapon after shooting me. Requested Items: L85, silencer mag, big holo Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member...
  15. Jack Bruhross

    Refund Request (Jack Bruhross)

    Your Steam Name: Jack Bruhross Your Roleplay Name: Jack Bushross Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824 Reason for Request: Rules broken during a raid. Accept f6 Requested Items: Scar-L, Comp, Holo, stock full mag Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: Valentine
  16. Jack Bruhross

    Summer Building Competition

    I will add 600 leaves to first place, 10 as50's for second and 10 ak47's for third! NO SCAMMING @Tyla Jai
  17. Jack Bruhross

    Update Log 30/05/2023

    inside the room and the door closed, It was also flashing the whole apartment block
  18. Jack Bruhross

    Update Log 30/05/2023

    Flashbangs are so fucking good
  19. Jack Bruhross

    Your mother is looking fire today

    Your mother is looking fire today
  20. Jack Bruhross

    Fredy's or Roxie's?

    Signature item? Mf Freddy’s sold it first, Roxie’s is nothing but a posh Freddy’s bakery that is to expensive and will go bust
  21. Jack Bruhross

    GainAxe Montage number 1482

    I also abuse broken blood textures to wallbang people
  22. Jack Bruhross

    Server Suggestion remove the drug yeild thing

    Its not to do with online members. Its active members within the last 2 weeks of your org. Leave your org make a new smaller org and you will be fine. Look at asda we have no issue with it lol
  23. Jack Bruhross

    Ban Dispute (EllenYeager)

    The staff member who banned you was @Ellie I would also like to tell you that normally for disputes you will need some sort of evidence to prove your point and how it was a wrongful ban. You can use things like your demo or clips (if you have any)
  24. Jack Bruhross

    Bug Report (Image uploading not working)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Image uploading not working How to reproduce the Bug: Try to submit an image to be uploaded and approved by the senior mod+ team and it wont work. Errors: "Could not find the submitted image." Media:
  25. Jack Bruhross

    CS:GO Case Opening

  26. Jack Bruhross

    you was better as a helper :( (Please come back i miss you)

    you was better as a helper :( (Please come back i miss you)
  27. Jack Bruhross

    Miss you xx

    Miss you xx
  28. Jack Bruhross

    Steam bug

    Happens to me when I tried changing accounts I just restarted steam and it was fine.
  29. Jack Bruhross

    Screenshot nostalgia dump

    Be careful a man with a orange suit might try and force you to touch his V line @Dom_
  30. Jack Bruhross

    Police Suggestion Allow Light TFU to fast walk (not sprint) longer.

    I finally played cop after this update coming out and I had no issues with the speed of my movement. Im more for lowering it even more tbh