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  1. HuskyD0G

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    Your ban was for Mass RDM+ alting
  2. HuskyD0G

    Server Suggestion Make LOOC available when dead

    Already get enough bitching in f6's, don't need more in looc. Also it's good to have this to prevent metagaming after death
  3. HuskyD0G


    Is this the only spot this is happening? Can this be replicated 100% of the time?
  4. HuskyD0G

    Police Suggestion Make it so supervisors can pick up anyone’s spikes

    Why did no one think of this before, such a simple fix for pistol cops abandoning spikes
  5. HuskyD0G

    Police Suggestion Don't receive 911 calls when in heavy gear

    I agree, having that phone pop up during a gunfight is so annoying and I am always on busy mode and still get them even when dealing with shootouts in heavy gear. I wish it would re-route if you're in heavy.
  6. HuskyD0G

    Police Suggestion Secret Service Progression.

    SS having something actually viable and realistic to use on duty? DENIED Make SS more fun? DENIED I really do wish they would give some love to SS it's such a shit job
  7. HuskyD0G

    Police Suggestion Secret Service Progression.

    Don’t get your hopes up it’s been denied 2 times in the past year
  8. HuskyD0G

    Police Suggestion Secret Service Progression.

    that's what I made a suggestion on like 3 months ago and it got denied, on another post
  9. HuskyD0G

    Police Suggestion Secret Service Progression.

    Uhmmm excuse me sir, the mac11 should be a choice for weaponry. I love SS and they’re so boring, they need a rework low key. I’m pretty sure this suggestion was denied like 4 times I swear
  10. HuskyD0G

    opinion on the Minecraft movie trailer

    because it doesn’t cater to their agenda, the American movie business is pretty much American propaganda now. Schizo post I know but it’s true
  11. HuskyD0G

    opinion on the Minecraft movie trailer

    Same vibe, concord failed, this movie will fail. DEI trash, plus who on god's green earth asked for this to be made?
  12. HuskyD0G

    Police Suggestion Detectives

    Very constructive feedback, thank you envy
  13. HuskyD0G

    Police Suggestion Detectives

    Because supervisors have to pass multiple OR’s in their progression through the ranks. Meaning they already have the investigative skills necessary. See what I mean now?
  14. HuskyD0G

    Police Suggestion Detectives

    As much as I am all for this as I was a detective main myself from another community. I don’t see the purpose in perp, and signing up for a whole different division after I already got TFU is just so demoralizing. If anything supervisors should have the option to be a detective, not a separate...
  15. HuskyD0G


    The hero we deserved
  16. HuskyD0G


    thank god I'm not the only one who thinks this shit is actual sewer
  17. HuskyD0G

    SigmaTage 1 #Freefromsalamonkey #LegacyOnTop #LegacyCleanupCrew

    Hahaha skeet skeet, skibidi toilet, Mr beast, subway surfers. Did I use the correct language that you can understand how I feel about this video?
  18. HuskyD0G

    All Incorrect

    All Incorrect
  19. HuskyD0G

    Word of the month: Stolen

    Word of the month: Stolen
  20. HuskyD0G


    I criticize because all I do is creative, both me and @Eistee von Aldi worked on the newspaper he made a post about. I can’t even name the other tons of things I’ve helped with in the past that have also got into the community spotlight with builds and what not. The only montages that were even...
  21. HuskyD0G


    And I won't miss them at all...finally maybe some people will make some creative videos instead
  22. HuskyD0G

    best way to make money

    Exposing PLPD secrets is a great way to end up in the basement...of A1L's shack But yes police is a great way to farm money, and have fun doing it.
  23. HuskyD0G

    England Politics

    This is what happens when you let your government take your guns. Yee haw
  24. HuskyD0G

    Account hacked

    This is what happens when you randomly download shit on the Internet, check yourself before you break yourself
  25. HuskyD0G

    Map Suggestion MORE RENDER DISTANCE IN v6 please.

    Lit, free leaks. I like the idea tbh, it would help high speed police chases to be easier keeping an eye on the suspect
  26. HuskyD0G

    Account hacked

    Damn, bro clicked on the free v bucks link... I feel for you bro, you should have had 2 factor auth. That's pretty much required nowadays. Contact steam support btw, my friend's account was hacked in 2018 and he received not only most of his items back. But he even had the game ban from the...
  27. HuskyD0G

    Map Suggestion MORE RENDER DISTANCE IN v6 please.

    With the current new cpu lineups like the 5800x3d and the 7800x3D and intel counterparts. I see no reason people couldn't handle more render distance. I already get around 200-300 FPS everywhere except bazaar at 2k resolution. Personally think it could be extended a bit with the new map coming.
  28. HuskyD0G

    Staff issue

    While I agree they need to hire some people they may be uncomfortable with to expand their horizons, you also don't want them letting retards have staff positions who punish people for the wrong things. You'd cry a lot more about that, than if your report just wasn't taken... Plus both of us...
  29. HuskyD0G

    Staff issue

    This unfortunately is a bias that many servers have
  30. HuskyD0G

    Staff issue

    I feel you, had the same feelings