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  1. Kevko

    Rule Suggestion (3.13 Selling Items)

    How are 0% winning chances gambling?
  2. Kevko

    Rule Suggestion (3.13 Selling Items)

    Please read the whole thing bro xD I stated that Chris is the only one doing it legit. <3
  3. Kevko

    Rule Suggestion (3.13 Selling Items)

    Suggestion Topic: 3.13 Selling Items Suggestion Description: Banning "Mystery Boxes". We have all seen them, especially in the last couple of days. "Mystery Boxes" with nothing but salt or ppk's in them. I think we all can agree, that we hate scammers, right? These boxes are the easiest way to...
  4. Kevko

    Voice chat not working with Chromium version on

    Lmao you are right. I did not read any replies tbh. Sorry pal :)
  5. Kevko

    Server Suggestion Joinable Organisations

    You also should be able to set a join limit, so the org won't hit 0,20 yield for example, because 20 people joined the org.
  6. Kevko

    Server Suggestion vehicle turning radius controls

    Scrolling mousewheel would be the perfect bind for that tbh. Shift and Alt are already being used in vehicles. I like that idea tho!
  7. Kevko

    Model Suggestion Laser Sight attachment

    Crosshair X sales would increase significantly if hip fire accuracy were increased, but I want lasers to be a thing, especially for pistols.
  8. Kevko

    New Player

    Welcome to PerpHeads!
  9. Kevko

    Join PH Server Shortcut

    Yea because they give me so much joy in my life. Cant live without them ;)
  10. Kevko

    Join PH Server Shortcut

    I feel like most people don't know about that, thats why I am bumping this!
  11. Kevko

    Update Log 01/04/2024 – Vehicle Balance & Model Changes

    They will stay, yes. I agree on the UI tho, it's just way too big now. I ain't that old yet so I was able to read the old one just fine.
  12. Kevko

    Bug Report (Active Policies text is too long (Police State & Call Center))

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Active Policies text is too long (Police State & Call Center) How to reproduce the Bug: Activate the policies and check them on your phone. Media:
  13. Kevko


    Awesome editing!
  14. Kevko

    What's with this server and anime logos

    <--- best pfp (I wanna farm posts too)
  15. Kevko

    New car sounds

    @walnash can we expect more sound pack addons? :)
  16. Kevko

    New car sounds

    Legend! Finally I have a reason to drive my 370Z again. Now I HAVE to buy the R34 :D
  17. Kevko

    Introduction for AidanFTW

    Welcome to PerpHeads you three :)
  18. Kevko

    Pokimane Feet Compilation

    Fucking Clickbait! But I enjoyed your compilation :D <3
  19. Kevko

    Worse host

    He did it to show the missed shots.
  20. Kevko

    Server Suggestion Life Rope for medics to retreive bodies in monorail.

    Would love to see more useful stuff like this one for firefighters only, so they have more to do. + medics could use that to combat revive which I don't like at all. +1 for FF only
  21. Kevko

    Bug Report (If you give someone Chest/Trunk Access and remove it, the other person can still open your trunk even without access. He can't take stuff

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: If you give someone Chest/Trunk Access and remove it, the other person can still open your trunk without access. He can't take stuff out but can look inside. Edit: Bug does not occur with org access, it has to be the specific player with access. How to...
  22. Kevko

    Alles gute zum Geburtstag! :D

    Alles gute zum Geburtstag! :D
  23. Kevko

    Car Help

    Tesla: 4 seats, 4 trunk slots Lexus IS F: 4 seats, 4 trunk slots Cadillac Escalade: 6 seats, 7 trunk slots (but slow) Aston Martin Rapide: 4 seats, 3 trunk slots Bmw M6: 4 seats, 3 trunk slots Ford Transit: for transporting planters, 7 trunk slots
  24. Kevko

    Server Suggestion Add more delivery pickup points

    +1 for the mailboxes. Great idea!
  25. Kevko

    Has anyone else been banned from posting on Imgur due to PERP Signs

    I feel like I am about to get banned for all the signs I made so far :(
  26. Kevko


    Ban Apology got denied.
  27. Kevko

    Hahaha I did yes xD I never played Minecraft, but hey I want credits for getting what you asked...

    Hahaha I did yes xD I never played Minecraft, but hey I want credits for getting what you asked me tho :P
  28. Kevko

    While you'll find diamond ore anywhere from Y-level -16 and below, the best Y level to mine...

    While you'll find diamond ore anywhere from Y-level -16 and below, the best Y level to mine diamonds is anywhere between Y-level -53 to Y-level -61. In terms of the optimum layer level? You're best off heading down to Y-level -53 to find the most diamonds in Minecraft.
  29. Kevko

    Kevko's Custom Weapon Skins Showcase

    Already did that right after taking the screenshot hehehe^^ Thank you bro