I don't really see the need for this. As the other community member mentioned, I've also not seen anyone requesting this or talking about wishing this was a feature. It's also something you could easily arrange yourself via a spreadsheet and just asking people to tell you what they did and how...
Yes, the RTU cars already are all able to reach speeds in excess of the Second Level Upgrades that are available to civilians so I don't think the policy if implemented should include any RTU vehicles.
The default Patrol cars also I believe have top speeds that exceed the Second Level Upgrades...
Definitely agree with dead and unconscious as it doesn't make any sense. I'm a bit on the fence about Zip Tied or Cuffed, I'm guessing this must happen fairly frequently if it's enough so to cause a lot of 3.3 breaks, that being said, couldn't you rp it by saying something like "take the keys...
I agree with others regarding this most likely causing problems with unlawful confiscation. I agree it does take a little extra time, but none more so than having a suspect drop a weapon for us to check if it has been fired etc, it's a part of the investigation and as such part of the RP with...
It's quite a long journey if you're not willing or able to put a great deal of money into it. As many other people have mentioned, ammo is the most cost effective way to do it whilst also making sure you're able to sell to recoup funds. Just bare in mind that 00 Buckshot and Sniper ammo might...
This would be great! I think it'd boost dispatcher enjoyability massively and would also promote more benefit to having more than one dispatcher in service as they can co-ordinate and monitor seperate situations/ Patrol routes without being too overwhelmed. It would be beneficial for civilians...
Hello fellow Paralake citizens!
Recently I've been embarking on levelling up my crafting, firearms and finally Wood Working.
I thought it would be handy to have a list similar to the Weapons and Attachments guide we already have that helps players to quickly see what they can craft as they...
I'd like to be able to see the stats myself, perhaps a tab that shows your contribution but it's only visible to you and no one else in the ORG. That way you can choose to share it with other ORG members or not and wouldn't cause any contention if you're "underperforming". I'd say for the most...
Isn't the main purpose of the fire axe to enable ff to enter properties that are locked and on fire? If so, and the fire axe is a concern, couldn't FF just be given a battering ram instead and not lose any means to access locked properties? I agree rogue firefighters running about and attacking...
Definitely something that would be good to implement, but as others have noted, I'm guessing if it is approved it won't be a priority considering everything else being worked on at the moment. Perp is already I'd say easily the most detailed RP I've found on GMOD and anything that contributes...
Considering apps were closed again recently due to the impending implementation, I'd guess within the next few months. Most likely whenever the next update is ready to drop across the board.
Great idea! I mentioned something similar during my patrol trainer app, saying that when you first get on duty there are a lot of aspects that you need to figure out for yourself and it can be intimidating for new officers. This would solve that whilst also not putting massive strain on Patrol...
I'm also fine with the way it is now. But that may be because I haven't done many solo raids so I often won't need to heal without cover. I can't say I've heard many complaints from other people regarding this either but again, it may be as I'm not familiar with many people who solo raid.
The only people this will effect are people that are actually taking care of the animals properly. I've no doubt that anyone who has that little regard for an animal and is that ignorant, will still continue to own exotic pets whether there's a law in place to stop them or not.
Something akin to what we have when there is a bank raid ongoing would be good, like an area specific alert on the top of your screen if you're approaching the area where the PBC was set by an officer. That way it would only be relevant to people that are in the direct area of the PBC or are...